Latest obsession...
Daniel Zueras. My Spanish skills are very rusty now due to under-use but from what I can gather he was a contestant in Operacion Triunfo, basically the Spanish Idol.
He didn't win but his debut single No Quiero Enamorame is currently at #2 on the Spanish charts and the hot video is too risque for words featuring a naked Daniel getting it on with a guy and a girl (that's not the reason I love it, honestly...)
Actually while it was the video that got me into him, I love the song and what I've heard of the album sounds great. Plus the video is flagged on You Tube for potentially inappropriate content making it even hotter!
Estoy enamorado...
Posted by
Camped Crusader
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
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I really like this! It's such a funny combination, too--just musically (ignoring the lyrics), I would never expect it to go with such a raunchy video. It does make me wonder how much innuendo I'm missing out on when I listen to songs in, say, Swedish or something though...
great music (a shame I don't understand the words) and what a video!!
I'm curious about his forthcoming album
will it sound so good?
is he gay/bi-curious in real life?
he's got a pretty face, good voice & sexy hairy chest !
please keep us posted about him!
Very cute video. He has a lovely face. He reminds me a lot like the italian singer Paolo Meneguzzi....
Fabulous! The world needs more pop videos with three way action.
Hi people,
I see you've fallen in love for Dani. I am a Spanish guy but now I am living in UK.
Daniel Zueras' record is quite good but a bit dissapointing. It has too many ballads and mid-tempos. I think he should've stick to the disco tunes. However... is a nice attempt.
If you'd like to listen to nice Spanish disco tunes, check the latest Marta Sánchez Record. Produced by Carlos Jean, it's ace! . Chack her video out:
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