PAY-TV FASHION REPORT World Exclusive Legal Download!
Oscar Wilde once postulated that fashion was a form of ugliness so intolerable that we've got to alter it every six months. The Swedish trinity Pay-TV take this point and simply deconstruct our sociological "space" and its "paradigms" through their disco anthem Fashion Report. The single cover alone (seen above) taken by Pixie Von Flash does a lot to reorganise the norms of pop history, girlband mythology and disco anthology. However I want to concentrate on the song itself. In a time of war, glamour and conservative radicalism, Pay-TV observe the stationary fix of the world by observing the spewed mess of digital news media controlled by a handful of corporate companies. Neena Fatale, Chanelle Ferrari and Claudia Cash are Pay-TV. They front the worlds first post-modern girlband. This means they voice their embodiment. Their chorus is one that recoils in a post-feminist vista of the world. This is a world where saving the world is a capitalist venture and can only result in air pollution. They are right.
The Swedish trio declare decadence is "out" along with evolution and revolution, its Other-prostitution is rejoiced and stripped of her children. The sublime lyrics of Hakan Lidbo predicts, theorizes and travails the world and its wonderful ethical codes, political labels and designer mistakes. In the song we are presented dialectics placed directly on the dancefloor. This is the queer kind of strut that the likes of Judith Butler of the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at Berkeley once demanded in her groundbreaking text Gender Trouble and The Politics of the Performative.
But I think Pay-TV go beyond these post-modern fusions.
In many ways, Fashion Report is the first meta-political resistance pop song. There are no other songs out there like this. It is anarchic yet refuses to enter into the the well-trodden trope of resistance songs that the likes of the Madonna's Hey You belongs. No, the dialectics, and indeed the rhetoric, contained in Fashion Report moves beyond the Other and exposes something else. Something classically quite apart from hegemony vs resistance. Fashion Report demands the dualism is somehow side-stepped.
Take for example the resistance movements organized in the 1960's based on sexual liberation. It is often described as the Sexual Revolution but we now know better. Simon Critchley of the New School for Social Research said in his brilliant text Infinitely Demanding that "where the sexual revolution [has turned] the culture industry into a sex industry - ask yourself, is there today anything less transgressive and more normalizing than pornography?". (p.124)
Fashion Report is Pay-TV's way of exposing this same juncture and provide something of a theory that refuses resistance while contemporaneously rejects hegemony.
Its also a fucking catchy pop song! They must be sent to represent the "OtherLostNations" at next years Eurovision immediately! DontStopthePop is very proud to allow its readers to exclusively legally download the track & in the coming weeks expect a lot more from Pay-TV here. A lot more! Spread the word people-they are back! Coming up Pay-TV-wise on this site, DontStopthePop will discuss the new album (its amazing!), chat about tea, do chaos, fake and shake it with the girls. This site will also feature more amazing mp3's from the group so keep your eyes peeled.....
Posted by Robpop at Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Labels: culture, ethics, Eurovision, identity, philosophy, postmodernity, society, sweden, world politics
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This album has been a long time coming - I've been waiting for it since March 2004, what took them so long?
I love this track, it's so sublime, and the lyrics are actually so true, though they're the only ones brave enough to admit it!
Can't wait to hear more of the album! x
Wow, that's a lot of expounding for a pack of sluts.
Ouch, Jason!
Hmmm - that "stay tuned for more news about their album" is very ominous - especially since their site has gone down...
Wow, J'ason explain yourself.
We have been waiting for so long now, so another few months to Melodifestivalen won't kill us either.
and please stick to the 3 minute format girls!
Explain what? Does not compute...
J'ason just dance like a robot then! The girls of PAYTV have provided an amazing baseline. Come, come come into my world ;-)
Bollinger...dont worry about the website being down ;-)
Another album I can't wait to get my hands on...
oh no! the pressure of a witty comment!! ummm....
glad you cleaned up the misunderstanding over singles cover versus album co ver! Marv!
D'luv dissing people means they will be huge! Look at Girls Aloud! Lily Allen! Kate Nash! Pay TV will be next...
Finally (2x!)
Thanks! I felt rather clean downloading something thats legal. Where can I buy the album?
WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! PAYTV!! You have a PAYTV track on DSTP!
Thank you so much!
Actually.....i am getting suspicious about this place.
First Robyn, then Miss Match, then B-tween, LuckyTwice, Jonah, Cosmo4 and Isabel Guzman. Now PayTV!
Do you work in the record industry or something?
Pay TV will fall in the midst of the mighty Spicequake!
Collapse, bitches!!!
Paul! Then I love J'ason's comments! Bring it on! Its clearly the single cover. The album cover is being done this weekend!
PG-the album is nearly done. (Jamie thank for your comments! The album is on its way!)
Regarding the pay-tv will be back with us soon!
Mark Phillipsson:
No, I am a student. Just love pop!
More PAY-TV exclusives will be on the way!
is there anything you can do about using zshare? i think it was like nine clicks just to get to the MP3 file...
Hey! :D I can't find any info about this single anywhere. Their official website is down too. What's up? :S
gawd i luv paytv!
avn my address is
Bimbo boy! Hello! Ok, the site will be back very soon. I have the single in my hands. Its glorious. It features four mixes and will have a video done for it soon(ish). Sorry for the wait..there will be more updates on PAYTV here very soon. I have a cold which has delayed a few things...
This is amazing-thank you! brilliant write up too. Whats next?
Hey, wait a cotton-pickin' minute here... g.d.-it. I can never win.
Cool huh? :) I just made it possible for everyone to listen to all Pay TV's songs:
I can't wait for their album. :)
Hi there. Are there any news about a Pay TV album?
And: does anyone of you have a hand on a good-quality-version of the video of "Trendy at the discotheque"? I discovered PAY TV a few weeks ago and the clip at youtube causes eyecancer (as almost every clip there). Tigaaa
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