KYLIE NEWS!!!! All I See as the 3rd second single?

The moment I heard
X I adored it. I still do. Personally I think its her strongest. I heard today that Canada is picking All I See as the next single! Which is dreamy seeing as its a beautiful track. Its getting quite hot radioplay. If true it will be the 3rd song for the second single which to me attests to the fact that the album was dripping with stand-alone distinct top notch pop songs. After All I See, In Your Arms and Wow, EMI still have The One, Stars, Like A Drug, Speakerphone and Cosmic to play around with. If they're being particularly brave they could release No More Rain too. Many, and in my opinion wrongly, deride Kylie for being a singles artist but X soars above such criticisms. Altogether X has eleven singles. Only Sensitized, Nu-Di-ty and Heart Beat Rock scream b-side quality. To me this attests to its brilliance.

Anyway, she has been a rather busy popstar. From releasing her home range she jetted off to Paris and performed in the semi-finals for Star Academy (watch here). She did three brilliant performances of
In My Arms, Spinning Around and Love at First Sight in a rather brilliant wonderful hairstyle that mimics Sela of Star Trek.

Sela as Kylie.

Which is good. Kylie should keep to music. The Guardian journalist Marina Hyde wonderfully wrote in todays G2 about the latest product to sport Kylies name:

As part of its commitment to morally responsible journalism, this column is always on the lookout for ways of gauging which members of society should be immediately disenfranchised for the greater good. This week's suggestion: anyone who purchases a single product from Kylie Minogue's bed-linen range. Yes, I know. We all love her. But even by the standards of will-this-do product-spewer Gwen Stefani, the move is one that draws the battle cry: "This. Will. Not. Stand."

Yet Tuesday saw the launch of a series of quilts, cushions and the like, apparently designed by Kylie to appeal to all those who have found themselves unable to sleep until that ineffable Minogue quality was brought to a fitted sheet.Clearly, the scanning of a barcode on such a product should trigger the release of a rope net, which comes up from the floor and scoops the offending purchaser into a ceiling-bound trap. There they must remain, until collected at the end of the day, stripped of their voting rights in perpetuity, and made to listen to a seamstress choir murder I Should Be So Lucky. Marina Hyde (The Guardian)

Despite being a huge fan of Kylie for most of my life I love everything Marina so succinctly points out. Sometimes just say no is the best approach. Perfumes and dolls are ok. Just. But candles? Only Cher can get away with that move! Yes, it was the sublime Cher that did it first with her Sanctuary catalog which offered pop fans glorious home furnishings. That was 1994! Cher did it first. And wonderfully gothic too.

Cher's homewares range! From 1994!

While I doubt Kylies homewares will ever appear in Aria (a very posh/cool shop in London that sells uber furnishings), Europe celebrated Kylie for her music this year. After the Queen gave her an OBE, Germany gave her a lifetime thingy at the Goldene Kamera Awards. She sat next to some tennis player. Result!

While in France Mika handed the French equivalent award at the NRJ Awards in Paris. The entire "transfer" reminded me somewhat of this moment. Why is Darren's voice so, er high?

Oh my! Kylie's Wow is number one in the dance charts of the UK. Just another amazing week for Minogue then.

Its comic.


Poster Girl said...

Robpop, I've been meaning to say this for a few days: my inner geek--oh, who am I kidding? my outer geek too--nearly went into meltdown when it saw that you referenced Sela in a post.

Poster Girl said...

P.S. I'm definitely very intrigued by the thought of that Paola album now--I've only not bought it yet because I'm thinking about hoping to get a physical copy somehow.

D'luv said...

Hmmm. "All I See" strikes me as a Janet Jackson song, circa 1993. Not my favorite, personally, but pleasant enough. And, hey, if it's getting airplay in Canada, then that's a good thing.

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