Hence this post. The Danish Pop Queen Lizzie is currently number one here in Denmark. Ramt I Natten is a brilliant pop song that I first heard on my Christmas trip to see the folks last year and its about going into the night & having lots of dubious "issues". The album of the same name is a must and remember where you heard about this girl first. She's no whispy, timid (and tepid) singer Lykke Li. Lizzie suffers no fools. Lizzie symbolizes everything that is right about the Danish pop music scene. She follows Infernal and Aqua in being absolutely creative and spunky. When the rain won't stop pouring down and theres nothing else to do I often wonder what makes the music scene in Denmark so different to that of Sverige. Listening to the likes of Safri Duo, Anna David, Aqua, Infernal and Lizzie I think that Danish acts prefer not to be so chinzy-like and are less uniform. Thats just my opinion & being Danish I am incredibly biased on the matter.
LIZZIE Ramt I Natten
Hence this post. The Danish Pop Queen Lizzie is currently number one here in Denmark. Ramt I Natten is a brilliant pop song that I first heard on my Christmas trip to see the folks last year and its about going into the night & having lots of dubious "issues". The album of the same name is a must and remember where you heard about this girl first. She's no whispy, timid (and tepid) singer Lykke Li. Lizzie suffers no fools. Lizzie symbolizes everything that is right about the Danish pop music scene. She follows Infernal and Aqua in being absolutely creative and spunky. When the rain won't stop pouring down and theres nothing else to do I often wonder what makes the music scene in Denmark so different to that of Sverige. Listening to the likes of Safri Duo, Anna David, Aqua, Infernal and Lizzie I think that Danish acts prefer not to be so chinzy-like and are less uniform. Thats just my opinion & being Danish I am incredibly biased on the matter.
Posted by
Monday, February 18, 2008
Labels: danish pop, sweden vs denmark
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Ella, it's nice to see you back on DSTP. It's been a while!
I like this Lizzie bird - she's got attitude!
Well you know how i feel about this lady. She's great. But I'd really like her to do her album in English. I think she could be huge. I rarely say "I want it in English" but with Lizzie i truly do want to know what the songs are about.
Yay--for a post from Ella and for Lizzie! I love "Ramt i natten"--I was just listening to clips of the album the other day (thinking about buying it)...and had similar thoughts to Robpop--even though I too often listen to music in languages besides English. It is kind of nice that there's someone making great modern pop in Danish, though, so I guess there is that.
By the way, I think Paul may have psychic powers or something...
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