Spread the news! An English Linda album is in our hands! Linda B is back! The queen of Melodifestivalen is ripping through the current stages with her key changes, "hah!"'s, gloves and the brilliant stomping schlager anthem that is "Hur svårt kan det va?". Her new album, wonderfully called Vild & Galen, is released in just a few weeks (I am counting down the days!) so DontStopthePop decided that it was only right to have a little chat with its key song-writers involved in one of her biggest anthems "Alla Flickor", her current Melodifestivalen/Eurovision anthem and some of the songs on the new LP.
Of course, the legend that is Tim Larsson (of Play Productions)! Its already March and I've used up my yearly allowance of exclamation marks but its Linda! Its Tim Larsson! Its PlayProductions!! Its Sweden!!! Its Melodifestivalen!!!! So without further delay....
Tim, first all...can you explain to Dontstopthepop readers who you are? (although most will know, hehe)
We're a songwriting/production team called Play Production and we live/work in a town called Örebro in the middle of Sweden. We're focused on writing and producing pop music. We have released over 100 songs by different artists.
Are you aware that Linda has a huge international following?
Actually no. She told me that we should record an english version of the "Hur svart kan det va?" song but I thought that she was kidding :-). It's funny 'cause of the language we thought that she was "stuck" in Sweden...
Nooooo. Not stuck in Sweden at all. Despite not speaking or understanding of Swedish, she has a major international following! I think this is mainly down to brilliant song-writing.
Thanks, we thought that the melody structure are kind of Swedish as well. Still it´s fun how music can have an impact even though you most certainly can't understand a word, I guess :-)
I have played songs you've written - Alla Flickor in particular - at parties & such and the place has exploded with joy and merriment. Its the songwriting! Its not the Swedish lyrics per se. It goes beyond nationality. Thats the power of great pop music. It gets you up no matter what! Alla Flickor is amazing. Can you tell us how that came about?
We pretty much had the song done and we needed a fresh artist, we tried at least 10 artists known and unknown but it just didn't feel right. We talked to a Swedish label and asked if they knew any new fresh artists. Linda came to our studio and we loved her at first sight.
Congratulations on Linda's success at Melodifestivalen! you must be so chuffed!
Yeah, we´re really glad to make it to the final. The song were picked out of almost 3500 songs and 32 made it the Swedish Eurovision contest. Now there's 10 songs left in the final competition.
Ok, tell us about the next Linda B album and what we can expect from it?
We made 5 songs for this album and I think that this album will be much stronger in terms of songwriting than her last one. We tried to keep Lindas energy but mixed it with some deeper emotions but made some really happy as well...
Take us through the songs you (and playproduction) did on it?
What are they about? Any party anthems & any key changes? Are they all schlager?
There´s only one Schlager but there are party, mellow, harder & faster ones...
Can you shed any light on the other songs on Linda's album that made you go "Wow!"?
I haven't heard them but as it stands it feels like its a good album.
What can we expect from the Play Production team in the future?
We're working a lot in the US now. We´re working with some major acts but I can´t tell you more before the CD's on the shop.
So do you think Linda should do a English album consisting of english versions of her favourite hits?
It's more up to you guys, if the label says yes then we´ll fix it...
I can't quite compute the poplicious magnitude of those answers. They. Will. Fix. It! Woohoo! We must fly over to Mariann Records & demand a English album. Linda wanted an English version of her new single! Its up to us, yes us! Tim & his team have done harder, faster, mellow and party songs with Linda on the album. WoohooX2! Yelps at the history of Alla Flickor! Linda knows about her English fans! & now so do her song-writing team! Woohoox3! Whatever next....
That is great! Thank you so much. Although I love how its so teasing us until the release of the album!!! Thanks bob! (and for the Andermay mix). Funnily, both acts should record at least some of their music in English. I'm sure they'd be really big if did one or two songs in English.
If Don't Stop The Pop was a person I would so be passing love notes to it while the teacher's back was turned. Either that or making out with it in a shady bathroom between classes. But either way...
(Also, I meant to comment on the Andermay post earlier--I still ADORE the first song you posted from them and really like the Ell*as song as well. Thanks for letting us hear from them again!)
No fucking way!
I could kiss you! In fact i am! I am so excited! I just ordered 3 copies of the album. I thought I'd wait til I'm in Sweden in August. So much for that plan! Thank you DSTP!
I've read this 5 times!!!!
Just to say that CDWOW might be selling the album. They stock the first album so who knows?
You always know exactly who we're interested in reading about!! Congratulations on another fantastic interview--let's hope one with Linda will follow, on the eve of the release of her upcoming album in English!
Yeah, this is one for the record books. Congrats on nailing a killer interview, and I say let's do it. Let's arrange a big ol' schlagerprotest and storm the Mariann offices until they promise to let Linda re-record in English and then go right to work on a new album so we're not all waiting so damned long next time!
Poster Girl, I just had to say, your comment still has me laughing my ass off. Thank you, for making my morning that much more humorous. Passing sweet love notes to it... HEE!
Great interview! - Everyone interviews the singers, but you've found where the power really lies! ;)
Awww, Thanks all for the comments...
Postergirl, you made my evening. Of course, we'd be making out "drinking pepsi in the back seat, feeling quite sexy". (Sorry, that was a little song we used to sing at school). Forget shady bathrooms, lets book a room at the Ritz!
(Andermay are wonderful no?. So glad you like em. Anders is such a good songwriter. PPG, you would really like the first album. The Ell*as project looks really exciting).
Tim Larsson was a proper nice gentleman! Lovely chap! The album looks very very exciting. Some newer sounds and taking Linda to the next stage but not leaving her "base" what made her famous in the first place.
Len I hope she does an English album. I seriously do! Jaker, i am up for a bit of a schlagerProtest! Shall we book our S.A.S flights (First class ja!) and head to Stockholm now! Mariann must be aware of our desires!
Schlagerpric..i agree with you to an extent. But the songwriters with the perfect song need the right singer. THAT singer. Linda did it with Alla Flickor. Her "hah!'s". Her ambiance....it made the song click. (Refer to the Pernilla version for further evidence).
In a similar way much of the Kylie PWL stuff could not have been done by other PWL acts back in the 1980s.
Sometimes the songwriter makes the hit. Sometimes its the star. But i think most of the time its an equal partnership between the two.
When that equilibrium is right, it results in the perfect pop song. It was, as Tim says, love at first sight. I think this is what i mean.....
Ouch - that Pernilla comment was harsh!! :P
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