Emma Soraya Beard is a pop icon. But before I get onto her...Confession time: I've been like a diva recently. Skulking off & not blogging. I had good reasons too! It was my birthday-I turned 23 (again). And, I have to complete Chapter two (of my big thesis-arhg-thingy-its-not-nice-its so messy!) by the end of this month. Plus, I was more than happy to observe much better bloggers write up articles on the return of Melodifestivalen (here), discover new wonderful acts from Australia like Liena (here), Popjustice celebrating the donking up pop classics and the very serious impact on the female body (here), J'ason donning hotpants in a shocking new career move (here) and of course reading great reviews of Lily Allen (here). Other blogs simply do it better.
Then, Emma Beard of Clea/LoveShy went and posted a demo on her myspace called "Prettier Than Me". Its 21 minutes passed midnight and I've only just discovered its currently online. Listening to it I scrambled for blogger and as a consequence my writing block is finished! So, let me apologize before I go on: there might be a tendency for this post to be a bit rambling cuz this song is so new and ever so good. Only in its demo form so don't judge it too harshly "Prettier Than Me" is perfect. Its basically about a boy who she's dating who looks better than Emma when he wears her clothes.
She sounds like she is one pissed off girl. "Got lipstick everywhere-MY FAVOURITE CLINIQUE!" is perhaps the best build-up to a chorus of the noughties. I love this song it hurts. Its quirky, cute and has some great instruments going on in the background too. For a demo, this girl is truly putting in a good show. "Boy Like You" is also pretty sharp too but its all about "Prettier Than Me". I can't wait for her to wrap up her time on some show on ITV2 and start promoting this brilliant tunage!
Other pop news: How good is the track "Supersensual" by Natalie Bassingthwaighte? Written by the steller pop composer Steve Anderson (YES THE MIGHTY STEVE ANDERSON!), it also features a little Debbie Harry/Blondie sample in there. Oh yes! Fabulous! Nat's Myspace
Coming up on DSTP....some things I got in my head. Yeah! Not sure whether it will happen or not but its fun, dance and pop! Yeah, Dontstopthepop is back!
Posted by Robpop at Saturday, February 07, 2009
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Did you catch Paris's Best British Friend. Completely trash. Emma is doing well. I want her to win. Collaborate with Paris!
And you better not close DSTP Bobby! Its great.
That bounces between pop excellence and utter shitness. I think its great. With a bit of pop electro dust on it I think it could be British version of Lady Gaga's recent number one. I know u hate Lady GaGa but what she does works. Actually, on a second listen there's also a Katy Perry quality to this as well.
Do you know who wrote it?
did you go away? We were all just basking in the glow of your wizard of oz post when you came back and took us from behind with this little doozy. I've been harsh on cloveashy in the past, but this is quite nice indeed.
I didn't realize there was a preview of "Supersensual" out! That's a song I've been wanting to hear thanks to who wrote it. Off to listen to that as soon as I'm done with Emma's songs.
Given that I'm the girl who thinks Måns Z looks best in full makeup and that more guys should wear arm warmers, I'm quite sure I'm headed for a situation like poor Emma's :(
You're always the blogger showing so many of us how it's done, Bobby; DSTP is an influence for many.
She is a bit like our Heidi Montag.
This is a very good thing.
Bring on her album purleaze.
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