Welcome From The Moon-A very early song from 4Cats so forgive the rather basic production. Still, if you thought the idea behind Kylie's Light Years was original you'd be wrong. Its clear Cat4 wrote this when listening to a lot of the Doors, the Age Of Aquarius and the Kim Wilde cover of the Supremes classic You Keep Hanging On.
Nehna Mnusroq-The most amazing electro pop song I've heard from a girlband. This has the usual traditional Lebanese pop echoes but it also strives to take the genre of pop music straight into the future and enters places of the beyond. Its very rare you'll find a pop song that crosses genres, traditions, decades and scenes with ease like this one does. This is anthemic. A MUST DOWNLOAD!
Raqesni Dakhlak-Starts off very slowly and then plays with listener. Is it a Lebanese folk song? Is it a throbbing 70s tribute? Or, is a house record of the American tribal house scene? Its everything. How many things can you fit on one record? 4Cats try their best to stuff the pop song with every thing they can. Including the male voice of the singer Azar Habib.
Sherah-This is very post-modern. Again 4Cats refuse to be pigeon-holed and put together rock, electro and traditional eastern standards of Lebanese pop music. And it works.
Edunia Heek-A sweet Summery track.
Never heard of 4Cats? Thats Ok. This girlband are huge and last year sold millions (rough estimates come in at a shocking 12 million records!!). They've released five poptastic albums-some good and some dreadful. Still, I love them.
Of all the girlbands we've featured on DontStopthePop 4Cats can claim to have the most line-up changes. Starting way back 1998 with Dalida, Chantal, Zeina, and Rula they stormed the charts after the release of "10, 11, 12". By the time they reached their fifth album the roll-call of members consisted of Dalida, Chantal, Zeina, Rula, Nicole, Zeina, Perla, Nisreen, Natalie and their newest member the cute button of a singer Goyce (who was actually just recently replaced by Aline!).
I make that eleven band-members in total. Thats a lot of cats! All past members have since gone to carve out great solo careers but none have managed the success of 4 Cats. So where are they from? 4Cats started being a band based in Lebanon but eventually they broke through other territories such as Syria, Iran, UAE, Israel(!) and Egypt. Despite singing in Arabic they have recorded a number of songs in English including the electrolush "Welcome From The Moon" which is included above. Each album of theirs is completely different. Sometimes they'll cover Lebanese classic folk songs and sometimes they'll bounce out pulsating pop music that give would Fisherspooner the chills. Then, they'll disco it up with the likes of "Raqesni Dakhlak" which is so camp it'll have you dancing like a bitch from a mirrorball hell...Its as if the true spirit of Army Of Lovers lives on through a girlband from Lebanon. Alexander Bard would be most proud.
Oddly, they never appear on pop blogs which saddens me quite terribly. This band are so poptastic it transcends the need to speak Arabic. You'll be dancing by the time the songs hit their second chorus.
Sometimes tacky, occasionally awful but always poptastic...4Cats-DSTP salutes you! You are girlband legends!
Credits: I'd like to thank 4Cats for allowing us to share these songs (Shukran!). Also I'd like to thank Ralph Bachour from their official website!
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