DontStopthePop loves its European pop divas and it doesn't get more fab than the new single by Miss.Sanchez. Don't know of Marta? She comes from great stock for her father is the great Antonio Sánchez Camporro! After a number of very popular albums of the ballad sort she's gone and pulled out a dance record for us her adoring fans. Just don't mention Monica Naranjo!
Many have mentioned Madonna but I don't believe I see any sort of similarity. I seriously don't. One samples ABBA and destroys the classic Swedish anthem about men after midnight and the other improves on the original by Depeche Mode and perhaps pays tribute to it.
Superstar is yet another slice of brilliant Spanish pop music that the U.K desperately needs. If there two countries in Europe that I would move to it would be Spain or Sweden on music alone. The two countries just do pop like no other. Perhaps I'd also do Spring in Greece and parts of winter(their summer) in Australia.
Buy Marta at El Corte Ingles
Posted by
Monday, April 02, 2007
Labels: anthem, depeche mode, Poptrash, spanish pop
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That song is absolutely brilliant! Dirty, old Madonna has nothing on her!
Hmmm is it just me or does her cover look exactly like Madonna's?
Trash-I'd knew you'd like it.
IRaklisk-thats the joke....its the photoshop.
Fabulous! You cant beat the spanish and greek pop divas.
She's great. She started as a replacement for Vicky Larraz when she left Ole Ole. She had some major songs with them like Con Solo Una MIrada (With Just One Look) and La Chica Ye Ye. Marta then left to go solo and has released 8 or 9 albums now. While she is the queen of ballads her albums have always been diverse in sound. The only ballad heavy one is Desconocida (Unknown), her fourth. You should check out her song Soy Yo (I'm Me or It's Me if following the context of the song), Brian Rawling produced it so it's a really good dance track.
Hahahahahahah, what a crap! It's easy:
1) You take a great song
2) You write a bad lyrics
3) Merge down both lyrics and song and... YEAH, i have a new one!
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