As Kylie once said "should I stay or should I go"..

and the blogs decided they'd rather go! :-(

Its Pop(Blog) News!

These past couple of months has seen a number of poptastic pop blogs and websites going all Smash Hits/DotMusic and closing shop. Sadly the latest ship to leave port is HotStuffFiles. This follows a string of websites giving up as wondrous as CatchyTunesOfSweden, ReallySayingSomething, PopEatsPop and SlippyDiscoDays. Our bookmarks reads like a list of sorely missed pop sites and I am not sure whether I should get rid of the dead blogs as they stand as a great little reminder to the sites that have vanished....

Still, its best to concentrate on the ones still going on! Onwards and upwards as they say in the dildo factory!

PopPosterGirl features a batch of eye-candy thats so tasty I am sure its bad for the teeth. But hey, they always said in certain contexts teeth can be more of a hindrance then a help...

PopTrash features
a girlband, Joanne, Alesha and has news that the spunkmeister Lorenz is back in the studio. I mean what more can you ask for!!!

This place reviews the new albums by girlband Aly&AJ and Swedish icon Magnus Carlsson. Paul also directs people to a brilliant new Simon Curtis track that the up n comin' star has dedicated to the lost star that is Britney Spe
ars. Lovin' it darlink!

There's been a bit of a blog-frenzy with Robyn lately. She seems to be the latest item to claim as their own. Its cute, it really is! Jessica of DirrtyPop is according to her "still the most famous reviewer of that album (and Robyn in general)". Ok! Another popblog features an interview with Robyn. As Jessica points out its very strange as a long-term fan of Robyn like myself to see her the toast of London and the UK. Yet its brilliant at the same time! It doesn't actually matter that places like ElectroQueer are new fans of Robyn. More the merrier! The girl has confirmed another date in London and is releasing in Germany. Yay! Today she's just been a-listed by Radio 1. Double YAY!

Anyway, keeping with the Swedish motif the pop blog You Don't Know Pop features the ultra glam pop stars that are Nouveau Riche are slightly upstaging the new bWo double a-side. Which if you think laterally is always a good thing.

And lastly, is Acerben's glorious blog Pop Unlimited! This combines youtube with songs by acts who are often exiled by pop aficionado's. The recent feature of The Kelly Family is a perfect example of Pop Unlimited's amazing pop terrain.

Now Just Normal Pop News

Live Earth happened as did T In The Park and did the Tribute to Diana. One Kylie Minogue was absent at such proceedings. But don't worry kids! She cares for the environment. See...

Betty Boo is back! Yeah, the crap ain't up to much but its a start. Bring on album no.3 girl! Why don't you just re-record Jet Sex? Sure it would go to no.1!

No Angels have come stuck in Germany. Silly bints gave fans very little incentive to go out and buy their latest single Maybe. Even the song title fails to inspire shoppers! Let me just say as I have just back from Berlin that the CD singles market is huge in Germany. Unlike in the UK, German record companies load the Cd singles with stickers, b-sides and remixes. The Cd of Maybe included just one pitiful b-side. As such its no wonder the song flopped!

Staying in Germany, Monrose are hitting the high positions with their anthemic song Hot Summer. Buy this single if you can. Not only is the lead song amazing..But it comes with thriller mixes and one amazing b-side called Scream. Scream is such a good song it nearly upstages the a-side. Just! Soccx, another German based girlband, are launching themselves in France in September and there's gossip the girls will see some kind of UK promotion by the end of the year...

I don't actually care whether or not Avril copies other people. Its still crap only its copied crap! Madonna has been lifting rifts and ideas from other acts for years and no one gives a boo about it! Look, personally I've heard the originals and they actually sound like nothing Avril's songs. I hate the Canadian be-hatch but I think people are deaf or the lawyers are having a field day (or both!). The latest claim is that Avril has stolen some Peaches song. Which has more merit than President Bush's word. See, I can be political!

Returning to Kylie, news has reached us that a certain act as remixed an unreleased album song and has been granted permission to use some of Kylie's vocals on his version. The song itself was from Fever but Kylie herself never really used it much. The single version will be just him but it will come with bonus remixes which include Kylie's vocals. [Paul:Credit] Perhaps the first release from Kylie won't even be a Kylie product per se...Kylie has also appeared on Britains latest Big Brother. Well sort of...

If you've always wanted 5ive's Scott Robinson's autograph you can get it for a mere tenner if you head off to MusicManiaLive. Other acts appearing include Tony Christie and Lisa Scott-Lee. Sadly Glen Matlock has canceled. Despite the fact I have no fucking idea who the hell he is!

Staying in this saturday night? Well watch the BBC3 tribute to Neighbours! According to the listings the channel is dedicating a whole night to the show that gave us Bouncer, the original Madge and whole batch of great Australian singers. It features David Walliams, Paul Robinson and Craig McLachlan! I can't imagine a pop world without Kylie, Alyce Platt, Natalie Imbruglia, Stefan Dennis, Gayle&Gillian and of course Dan Falzon.

Shayne Ward releases a rather interesting song with a shift in sound. Its both awful and wonderful. Its clear that the record company are interested in Shayne Ward and keeping it going. As with so many reality tv acts, the record company get the direction wrong with the second L.P. Evidence? Gareth Gates and Hear'Say. I am sure they are hoping it goes all Will Young/Girls Aloud but its too early to say which side Mr.Wards' path finds itself on....

Which neatly leads me to Dana International. Her LoveBoy video is so great it deserves a little mention only for the hot boys! It includes a pumping pop song, an old lady doing her hair and lots of yummy bodies! What more does a promo need to be fab?

And with that brings this blog-wrap to an end!


Will said...

BTW I'm back in business!

Poster Girl said...

All these blogs closing is so sad :( I know what you mean about leaving blogs in the sidebar as a reminder--I like how Dirrrty Pop has done it, with a "Gone But Not Forgotten" section.

Thanks for the mention! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope that your blog keeps on going anyway, as it is one of the few blogs I visit every day. Without your site I would not have known that there are/were so many fantastic girlbands in this world!

Anonymous said...


I'm now French apparently and blog about the weather and rescue dogs who have psychological problems regarding eating out of a bowl.

Have a look at

Boy, I must have pissed someone off...

Jamie said...

Oh no! Not a mention of Poplicious even though I've championed some of the music in this post way before some other blogs. I'll just go and cry in my blog corner ;-)

Robpop said...

Jamie u is adored! Your the only place that equally loves the polish girlgroup The Queens! I featured them last year and i am so happy you adore them too!!!!

Anonymous said...

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