VIVA SPANISH POP MUSIC (and Soraya y ValeMusic)

Today I was supposed to go to a party put on by the current Queen Of Pop-Ms.Robyn but as life would have its not meant to be. So, I'll just say this-to those going to the Friday concert have a great time (I'll be at the Scala date instead). This evening's post is about the sublime record company that is ValeMusic. They've given us pop lovers some amazing trinkets in their history and this must be applauded. At this present time, LuckyTwice have seen their cd album released all but in one country: Spain through ValeMusic. Their Swedish record company has gone silent on its release despite the act actually being Swedish!

As such ValeMusic never lets the Spanish pop public down. Not only does it release its now legendary "Disco Estrella" collections but it provides wonderful-no glorious-pop for the population of the world. This is a short list of just some of the sublime acts ValeMusic has given us: Jose Galisteo, Natalia, Luckytwice, David Bisbal, Nuria, Daniel Zueras, Merche and of course Spain's first Idol Rosa!

To punctuate Spain's wonderful relationship with pop I want to refer to the singer Soraya who is just about to release her 3rd album. Her 2005 album was Corazón De Fuego ("Heart of Fire") and a huge success on its release. This album was a pop disco polemic and its sales equaled it! However it was the second album-consisting of covers-that secured her position as a rival to Edurne, Rosa Lopez and Natalia. It included a rather amazing cover of Self Control…which was later picked up the Danish supertrash pop group Infernal as a great song to cover. Other 1980's classics included Don't You Want Me (Human League), Just Can't Get Enough (Depeche Mode), High Energy (Evelyn Thomas) and Because The Night (Patti Smith).

Ochenta's' is now one of the most successful albums of 2007 in Spain and has become platinum after many weeks in the charts. Still, it was probably her cover of “Call Me” that sealed much of the sales. As you’ll see if you just play the video Soraya walked right into “GAY ICON” land by donning lurid yellow hotpants, dusting in green earrings, playing with fish in a tiara and riding a strange exercise bike. She also got some random Spanish individuals to sing a long to the pop song in true “pop vox” style. Included were four girls out on a “girls night out” and two gay boys that literally lift their shirts.

Ochenta’s success resulted in Jose Galisteo’s “twin brother” album Remember which saw similar success. For Soraya however it secured a follow-up. A sequel. A volume 2! Which is getting released very soon! The lead single is an amazing version of La Dolce Vita:

The video is equally camptastic as the one commissioned for Call Me. It starts off a bit like Dannii’s Can’t Sleep At Night and reveals Soyaya’s bed is actually upright! Wow! Then she does a little Whigfield ala “Saturday night” which then quickly evolves into a poptastic cheap but very effective set of clips of her dancing with smart men. Yes it’s a cover, yes its highly unoriginal but its everything one could ever want from a pop princess and by golly they do everything to improve on the original versions.

Soraya Arneles-a girl who knows her pop released on a record company that does everything to give pop a good chance in the charts! And it always pays off. ValeMusic is one of the finest record companies in Europe.

Buy Soraya (and other ValeMusic) here
ValeMusic Official Site (a virtual goldmine of great pop)

Remember to vote at the Pop Awards (see below for links!)
I'd like to also thank James for the new banner and the tastic new look on DontStopthePop!


Michaell said...

whoaa Soraya's way hot!

Paul said...

sorry you missed the Robyn concert :(

Anonymous said...

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