Instituto Mexicano del Sonido! The type of music that will make you smile no matter what!

Listen, Dance and smile

You like pop? You like the sort of pop that is absolutely addictive? Then you'll love Instituto Mexicano del Sonido. I discovered their albums a few months ago and when I went to see Stardust the other day I was stunned to hear that one of their songs is being used in adverts for Pizza Hut. Sadly its one of their poorer of recordings. But as you'll hear Escribeme Pronto is highly addictive and you'll be humming the song for yonks.

So who are they? Well they explore sounds. Thats it really. But their albums are something to be heard. There is no other act out there like Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido but I suppose they are related, musically, to Robyn, Basement Jaxx and Domestika. They are stretching the genre of pop and dance to the maximum. Under the directions of the amazing producer and DJ Camilo Lara, Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido released two albums (Méjico Máxico in 2006 and Piñata this year). If I had a mantle piece I'd put them directly under my picture of Queen Elizabeth. If I had a picture of Queen Elizabeth that is. Damn! I can't recommend any one song as all are amazing-you gotta go and try them all. If you liked the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge and thought a bonus remix CD by the likes Groove Armada or Basement Jaxx coulda made a perfect addition to the OST then you'll understand what Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido are all about! Ultimately with its folk backgrounds, retro discotastic beats and 1940's beatlines, the music of Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido is primarily made to get you dancing no matter your age, fashion scene and preference in music. All are welcome here...

I personally I am in love with Katia, Tania, Paulina y La Kim. Why? Because of the harps, the beats and the amazing bells. Its all very christmassy. Like nutmeg, mince pies and christmas wrapping but with your feet firmly in-between the sand of some beach party. I love it! Hear it here.


Anonymous said...

This is just weird. I was thinking about the song in that pizza ad just today.

By the by...

Robert you are ruining my back account. I have just bought their albums because of you. The songs on their myspace are so kitch.

How was Stardust?

Anonymous said...

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