The Pop Awards are done with! Some surprises and some not. In case you hadn't noticed its also Christmas time! Naturally, blogs as well as print media are recalling, rejoicing and crying a tear or two as 2008 gets ready to tighten its party this is DSTP's way of doing the Christmas/New Year thing in the only way it knows how to-through pop.
I discovered this track "Summer's Gone" on the L.P by Slumber Party Girls which I tracked down through my addiction to girlbands. I didnt expect much but their album is very strong! It seems they've had very little attention paid to them. Which is so sad as the album is so electric and utterly different. The track "Summer's Gone" is an absolute pop anthem of a song but the album also contains songs like the well-crafted "Carousel" which is very much like Madonna's "Dear Jessie" and the "Texting Song" is nothing short of genius. Many detract the American pop scene but scratch a little deeper and you'll find some great pop acts. The ultra addictive "My Life" which extols the virtues of doing homework and telling bullies at school where to go make fans of classic McFly remember how good they were back in the day. The album refuses to be guitarpop, bubblegumpop or rnbpop. Its everything! And all so catchy too! Under the guise of the writing skills of Ron Fair and Stefanie Ridel (who used to be in the same girlband-Wild Orchid-as Stacey Ferguson aka Fergie) the album called "Dance Revolution" reminds me of the poppy exuberance of Christina Aguilera's first album. I highly recommend picking this CD up.
So what makes them sooooooo good? Its the song "Summer Gone" and its message. It guides the listener to the start of school, following the rules and making new friends and "making new memories". They remember the summer, but rejoice the "tan" and the ritual sharing of stories. What struck me the most was the pretty couplet about the inevitability of time and the end of year in the line:
And then before you know it, the beach is calling you and your signing graduation books. This is the story of 2007 (but also any-year) and it makes me warm inside. Its a Christmas song but not in the normal traditional sense. It takes stock of the year and I love it for that reason. No jingle bells and no "end of the year" sillyness! Just a blissful happy celebration of a year. Even if you've had a rocky 2007, in its short 2 minutes "Summers Gone" manages to get you to recall and prosper the beautiful moments you've had....
Happy Hols, RP!!
bugger me. i thought i had commented on this, but i haven't! Divvy! Anyway, i really like The Slumbs - i always find it a bit difficult finding a band i like knowing i will only ever hear one album. Booooo! But one album of good music is better than none, eh? Missing you online! Hope your christmas and new years was better than the rest of 2007!
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