LoveShy revealed themselves tonight (and their dancers!). And, they were absolutely amazing. It was their first ever performance and they look like a force to be reckoned with. Amazing outfits, stunning hair and excellent performance-the girls (Aimee and Emma) rocked it. But they were deemed too modern for Eurovision and sadly they didnt get through. Instead Britain picked someone called Andy. Who lifts no shirt (or rips them) and no quirky lyrics about eating too much man.
What? Yes. The BBC right royally fucked it up for Britain and two girls' dreams. Some woman called Carrie said the girls were shaky on the vocals. Which being the first act on and the youngest on the show is understandable but Carrie-no relation to the horror film character-has an amazing career as a successful singer so she didn't blink when she curled her lips with her critiques. Known as Carrie Grant, she has had an amazing career in the long-lost band Sweet Dreams whose single "I'm Never Giving Up" is a fine moment in British pop history. Interestedly it too was rebuffed at the national heats in 1983 (the year I was born!). It truly makes Carrie a fine one to judge on what should go forward doesn't it? Do you think she holds a grudge? Not for me to say. Still, what is the point of judges on a show called "Eurovision: Your Decision" pray-tell? Perhaps its ironic? Are BBC truly that clever these days though? I think not. More on that though below.
Alas, am I being too harsh? To be sure, I am very fond of Loveshy. It makes me blighted with bias. Actually no. My bite is with the judges. One had the audacity to say Mr.Gorgeous was too modern ("more of a pop song than a song for Eurovision"-what!?) for the audiences of Eurovision. Wait? Is the entire of Europe (including Isreal) is backward? I mean that is essentially what is implied in the suggestion. Still, whats wrong if the song was too modern? Europe is not some backward place! Half of the song was made in Europe. Germany, one of the biggest pop markets, would have absolutely lapped up Mr.Gorgeous. Nearly most of our pop music is made in European studios these days. Take a look at Robyn! Take a look at Mirwais! These are European scene-setters. And don't harp on about East Europe is different. Right now, DJ Ella is riding high with her amazing track DJ Take Me over in Poland. Russia gave us Tatu. Eurovision is ready for modernity. It can even do post-modern acts (LT United). These are countries are not dancing to folk music or scrubbing out Communist scraps from a forgotten era where the songs celebrate the Bolshevik revolution of yesterday.
Now to the concept of the judge on the show. Look at Sweden. Its left to the people to decide. Tonight they picked the glorious Linda and Charlotte (with the NuPagadi-esq Nordman & the Westlife belter sort of song by Sibel going to Andra Chansen). I absolutely disagree with the idea that it should be up to a panel to preside on matters. Especially if that panel consists of people not quite connected to Eurovision. It should be left up to the people to decide. The thing is, the BBC wanted to change the format. The show tonight now reflected its other shows (namely its god awful reality outings). So, acts were put together into categories. The judges would then decide which act from each category would go forward to the national vote. This means the judges blocked LoveShy from going to the public vote.
As such, LoveShy can hold their heads up high. They did what they had to do. So they didn't appease the judges. They can be proud of what they did tonight. Their new single is out this week and as people from Australia and U.S emailed me, its wet their appetites for more. Get downloading people! Its rather wonderful! In the future, people are gonna wish Loveshy were the band the UK picked. But thing is, we won't even get the chance to regret because of the judges. Which is a bit sombre and I can't quite understand what i mean right now. The judge system has to abolished! Oh and Loveshy really were amazing tonight. I welcome the new band and can't wait to see and hear more......
I agree!!!!!! Loveshy were really dodgy vocally at first! But so so young. It was so wrong for Carrie to pick on that.
Too fucking right Robpop! I couldnt believe they put in the revelations over Clea/LS! They really got off to a shaky start but it picked up soon after. Everyone in the studio audience wanted Loveshy to get through. I had them down as the wildcards. Alas it wasnt to be. it was so cheaply done. Loveshy were THE eurovision act on the night. :-(
What is next for Loveshy?
Loveshy were really good tonight. Woulda voted if they'd through.
I'm living in Brazil and I watch on youtube... Gorgeous girls...
Well, all I can say is, it was a panel that denied Vanilla Ninja sending the GLORIOUS Club Kung Fu (I've never forgiven Michael Ball) to Eurovision. So panels, boo them.
Although It's You by The Revelations is still my favourite song of year...hooray!
Too modern for Eurovision is always the excuse when the favorites bomb. Loveshy were disappointing.
A lame copy of Beware Of The Dog (Jamilia)but without the melody.
Sung off key in true Brit style and with hairdo's only fit for America;s next top model.
OK, the rest wasn't much either and the entry chosen is boring with a capital ZZZZZZ.
Eurocovers did you watch the entire show? The thing was so embarrassing. Loveshy might have attracted a U.K young audience to Eurovision but there you go. The initial seconds were pretty bad. After that though they really picked it up & had the best performance on the night. I was shocked Terry didn't give them the wildcard.
Isn't Beware of The dog a cover?
Rob, Loveshy were not perfect but i take your point that they were the youngest and first on. Out of all of them I'd have picked Loveshy-but then we didn't get the chance did we?
Perhaps its saved them from going red as we won't win any way. I read on Popjustice that we could have sent With Every heartbeat or Umbrella and still come last.
Loveshy were dreadful! I had all my hopes pinned on them. But their vocals were so thin! Michelle Gayle should have won.
EVERYONE was chanting LoveShy in the crowd for the wildcard. Very odd that it went to Andy....
How on earth did Andy Abraham even make it to the public vote - the 4 that judges should have picked were Loveshy, Rob and Michelle Gayle with Simona as the wildcard!
Now we are stuck with yet another song that doesn't stand a chance at Eurovision! :( Even The Revelations would have been better than Andy!
And LS were not "dreadful". You can hear the nerves in Aimee's voice right at the start. She sorts it out though. None of the other acts had such brilliant routine.
Well I did like Michelle's chicken dance though. Its so odd. No one wanted him to win. The fireworks went off behind Michelle.
The more i watch the LoveShy performance the more i like it. Can someone clarify whether they've got Kylie's dancers?
Terry has to go. I think it was awful. Andy will do really badly. Why can't we have the quality of acts that Sweden does? LoveShy were the only act that sounded and looked anything like the type Eurovision loves and wants. Next year the BBC should get some younger acts involved. If they are going to have judges then make them a tiny bit younger.
I've always disliked Carrie. When the Girls Aloud comment was made it was like your grandma hearing a new act and comparing it to an act that was huge "back in her day". Mr Gorgeous sounds nothing like a girls aloud song. I'm sorry but Xenomania would never write a song like that. And Girls Aloud wouldn't dream appearing on a show like that. Which is why the old fogies should have stepped back and let Loveshy go through.
Now we've got Andy who looks like your uncle trying to be cool at your birthday party. Mutton dressed as lamb. And as for Michelle? That was a case of Whitney trying to be Britney.
Great rant Robpop! We didn't even get the chance to vote for Rob and LS is really shit.
i dunno robpop, carrie grant was pretty spot on, the vocals were pretty unreliable... probably why they didnt get through to Girls aloud... however... i would've put them through cos the other band were really boring. mr gorgeous is a good song... and i hope they release it. :)
I agree with most of the comments here! Yay! And thanks for replying!
I don't see where the "it sounds like Jamelia" argument holds up especially when that song itself was a little cover AND things like the brilliant Linda B track lifted ever so lightly from Mika's Grace Kelly. Just go with it people. Its a great tight song is Mr.Gorgeous and oddly enough is the most memorable out of the songs we heard last night. Sigh.
Dan, mega hmm... whatever Carrie said I don't think it was fair that she should have had the "power" to hold back two acts. The BBC should have allowed all acts go to the public vote. So whether she was positive or negative: she shouldn't have been allowed to block any of the acts from being judged by the population. That was my point.
It is currently on release to download. Check it out on Itunes or the other normal digital stores. Heres hoping there will be some kind of physical release but if not its not a problem as they've got some wonderful plans lined up for the album.
Eurocovers, the song was not sung off-key. As said in the initial article they sound very nervous but you've got understand that they were the youngest act to perform on the night. They also had most choreography and were the first act on. Aimee is going on chairs, flicking back dancers and dancing wonderfully. The entire performance was very complicated. Far more than just standing infront of a mike...;-)
Anyways, the girls will dust themselves down and release some great pop records this year. Mr.Gorgeous was just a little treat ;-)
I hope this is not too late to reply to the disaster that was last night! What does John Barrowman know about Eurovision? I know he's a singer in his spare time but really...naw he can should to torchwood. A bit of a man of all trades isn't he? He said to Rob that ballad wouldn't win Eurovision. What happened last year? Did he not watch it?
I absolutely agree with your comments Robpop regarding the judges holding back two acts. Whats the point? Can't they just go "here are the acts-you decide". It was so messy. The format. They made it more complicated than was necessary.
Loveshy should have gone to the public vote. On the performance they gave i think they still would have been rejected. But they would have got real close. Very close. It was between them and Michelle.
Sorry to correct you but Carries' group 'Sweet Dreams' did actually get through the national heats and sadly did represent Britain @ Eurovision
I dont understand why they had three random BBC "personalities" choosing. If they were going to have a jury they should have had a representative from each country like they did on Making Your Mind Up the previous year (but it didnt have any say overall). It was just cruel to knock out 2 acts out of 6 before the voting, even more cruel when the two songs that actually stood out were up against each other in the first 10 minutes of a really bad show!
And EVERY YEAR they do the "look what other countries are sending" and focus on the novelty songs - Ireland this year - Ukraine last. It's why the UK feels that Eurovision is backwards.
Good rant robpop!
i agree that mr. gorgeous brings back the reminiscence of jamilia’s beware of the dog, but i must say ther i’ve just seen the videos on and my personal opinion is that loveshy performance was way much better then the revelations (what a revelation they came out to be)... actually, I was positively surprised by the girls act! to bad they wont make it to eurovision :S
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