Rendered speechless. This is good. Very good. The production is flawless. The vocals are stunning. The message of the song-iconic. The context of the song?-epic. Sam Taylor is clearly doing his own thing and without even a debut single to his name he's already upstaged the likes of fellow male artists Will Young and Darren Hayes. Not that there's any contest or anything. This has got very interesting indeed. Please have listen here.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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eeek, I don't like it... I loved his two songs on Beautiful People but I don't like him singing this song. I find it a bit creepy for some reason. Much prefer Rob Temposhark doing I Kissed a Girl (youtube) if we're gonna go down the clever-clever line of deliberately not changing the lyrics.
I'm not sure why but Firefox tells me I need some plugin to listen to that and then doesn't know what plugin is needed, so I'll just hope it shows up on YouTube in a bit. I'm interested to hear more from him, though.
I had the same prob with firefox. Works fine in ie7 though.
Oh, presume you are the same poster girl who just commented on frankmusik on xo's blog. Great blog he has. I tried to post on there but I don't have an open id thingy. anyway, in answer to your question on there that new frankmusik B side was put on the CD single. Definitely! Just love frankmusik.
Anon, I don't think this should be taken as "clever" thing ala Temposhark "I Kissed A Girl". Its simply a song. Nothing more, grand...Just a boy singing about another man.
PPG, I works with my firefox but try it in Safari ;-) Its well worth it.
Yeah, perhaps I was a little hasty there. He sings it very well. I think he's great so far. Classy photos too. Look forward to hearing more.
pure class - what an amazing voice, thanks for the link
Amazing. Very brave song to pick for a new act.
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