I think Roxanne Wilde is a key act for 2009. Steeped in music history, she is now finally breaking away and entering the spotlight. Madam Wilde was most recently seen providing backing vocals for Kylie Minogue on her six month world tour last year but she's been working it for ages. I first remember Roxanne when she was in Dimestars who were pretty much a precursor to Busted in that guitarpop manner of speaking. A sort of Blondie-lite type band. They supported Kylie on her On A Night Like This tour but they sadly failed to take off. When she went solo she was signed to Ministry of Sound after a number of club hits but much like the shelved Dimestars longplayer, her first debut album vanished into the ether. I totally hate it when that happens. Sadly, in pop it occurs with high levels of frequency. Still, Roxy is a bit of a pop fighter, she dusted herself down, and started touring with her sister and father leading up to the KylieX2008 tour which wrapped up neatly this Christmas.

So what next? Well, while I wait for her mainstream return, I've created meself a little Roxy Wilde proto-album. It starts with the amazing cover of Marianne Faithfuls title track Broken English which just happens to be one of my first ever songs I sung, or rather performed, for my mum back when I was seven on holiday in Spain circa 1989. My version doesn't come close to the brilliance of Roxy's cover. It just happens to be a collaboration with Thriller Jill which explains its amazingness. Its brave to cover Marianne Faithful. But they pull it off! Anyway, I've also included the amazing Terry Ronald/Ian Masterson track called Radiate. Its absolutely lush and is currently on Ian's myspace and I can totally hear Grace Jone's going wild at her AnR people for not having this on her new album. Listen here.

I've also included Roxy's following contributions to the dance realm: Destination (with DT8), All That I Am (with Darren Tate), Our Lips of Sealed (with Wall Of Sound), No No No (with Milk & Sugar), A New Love (with DJ Delicious) and the newish track Late For Ya. The latter two tracks can be heard if you check out Roxy's myspace here. If there are any other Roxy tracks out there please get in touch! The girl is one talented pop princess and I know she'll bring out a rather poptastic album this year but in the meantime these introductory previews are brilliantly entertaining! I know she did a few other songs at her personal appearances. I'd love to hear Limbo, The Walk and No Memory. The titles sound like chapter titles of a short novella based on of one of my bad night outs on town back in the day when I was a rather naughty boy. Ahem.

So, yeah. She's certainly one to watch out for. A brilliant voice, great choice in clothes and interesting musical output makes Roxy a pop girl that, although not mentioned in the run-downs of the "acts of 2009" ala the great Lady Gaga and Little Boots, will start appearing some where around summer time. Yes, Roxy Wilde is honestly quite amazing.

To buy any of Roxy's music I'd recommend Itunes and Amazon. I really recommend the Thriller Jill album which features Broken English. I am not sure whether it was ever released physically but you can get it through most digital outlets.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to wrap my head around the vision of a 7 year old warbling "Broken English", LOL! I'll keep an eye out for Roxanne this year.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered what happened to Roxanne after Dimestars. Will keep an eye out for her.

Robpop said...

Thanks for the comment!

Warbling? hehe! More like destroying. I didn't know much of the lyrics but there you go. I had interpreted it in the best way that i could. Which was probably best seeing as the subject matter was so alien to me. Ahh, those were the days.

Mike said...

Is she related to Kim?

Anonymous said...

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