Jose Galisteo Beautiful Life

Today Madrid celebrates Corpus Christi so I thought it only natural to feature a Spanish icon of pop in the form of Jose Galisteo. Taken from his second album, Beautiful Life encapsulates everything I adore about Jose. His ever so cute English accent actually makes the record what it is. You see, I have a deep soft spot for Spaniards when they speak English. There is a certain twang in the voice that takes me back to my happiest memories in the sunshine of Spain. Void of school, every holiday as a kid I'd come to Spain and run through the waves of the Costa Del Sol with the chicos y chicas of Malaga & we'd communicate by means of my terrible Spanish and their rough as fuck English. I was so happy. Henceforth, anytime I hear a Spaniard sing with that good ole accent it takes me right there. I can always smell the salt, sea and so forth. Sometimes, just sometimes, European singers whose second language is English and they're absolutely void of accent can be a bit of a bore. Hearing records like Beautiful Life thus takes me back to those summer sun crushes that convey everything a holiday haze had to be. Oh, and this is a song that Spain coulda picked for Oslo.


Myfizzypop said...

hello Jose :P

Delycious said...

Incredible, magnifiant. I live this guy!! O:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the link doesn't works.. this is the right link..