I just wanna say its going to be a very catchy this week on DontStopthepop! Actually, I didn't know what act I should go with today I had that much to pick!! The land of pop is truly spoiled a the moment! (well if you come from Spain, Germany or Sweden!). If your into catchy pop music stay tuned to DSTP because I have some real gems lined up which I hope you'll love! If you haven't noticed, its "catchy week" on DontStopthePop.
Most of the acts featured this week hail from Sweden and Spain but today's come's from the latter's colony of Argentina. Valeria Gastaldi is of course one of the lead singers from the girlband Bandana. If you can't remember who they are just check this out and you will see they were girlband no.134 in DSTP's exploration in girlbands earlier this year. With the band going their separate ways Valeria released a solo album which includes some of the catchiest melodies in existence! It was hard to pick which song to feature here believe me. Ultimately I went for Inventario which starts quite softly and then picks up into a mid-tempo singalong pop song I could imagine the likes of Atomic Kitten doing as their comeback single if it happens (Kerry-hope ya ok!). The chorus of Inventario is rather memorable, simple and will ya have humming away like the backing singer's that I know you truly all are!
I can imagine myself driving through the Spanish countryside (known as "El Campo" in Spanish slang) with my girl Mia, top down and just blue skies and olive trees as our guide! Perfecto!
Ok so its very hard to buy music from Argentina. The best I can suggest is the American arm of Amazon especially its marketplace. It would also seem she has no official website (or myspace) but if you can find anything please contact me! Her wikipedia entry doesnt even include any details of her solo career!
INVENTARIO-Valeria Gastaldi (from girlband Bandana)
Posted by
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
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just adorable ^_^ it's awesome that you've found such a diamond from this far away country
More will come michaell!!!
i've found a video to this song = its on youtube - she looks a little different now I guess she's blond - video's soo sweet
The video is great!!!!!!
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