Readers of DontStopthePop!!! Christmas has come early! Today the blog is featuring a song that isn't even out yet but I suspect it will be huge. And its with full permission of the writers-the very talented Gustav who has kindly allowed us all to shimmer in the brilliance that is Dangerzone. This is so fresh and new, the girls themselves have yet to officially announce themselves on the pop scene. However they are on the verge of their international breakthrough....Indeed with the assistance of the same people behind the brilliance that is the Spanish pop princess Edurne, B-Tween have pop domination in their sights...

B-Tween, who consist of Martina Ståhl and Alexandra Pettersson, are simply sublime and produce the kind of catchy pop this world requires right about now. On Dangerzone the girlgroup have infused and incorporated the sounds of September, BwO and ABBA into one perfect blissful pop song. I am so glad that the powers that be have allowed this download for us! Feeling the love! The song makes go all fuzzy at the edges and this happens very rarely.

In fact I can remember them they are so rare-the first time I heard Kylie's Can't Get You Out Of My Head, Robyn's With Every Heartbeat and another song by another Swedish act that I can't talk about at the moment but hopefully they too will appear on DSTP soon!

Last year DontStopthePop predicted the success of LuckyTwice. Last year it was also the first place on earth to talk about the then completely unknown song With Every Heartbeat. It even called it the "Song of the year". That was back in October 2006!!!!! Now its 2007 and I am going all fuzzy over two particular songs. This one and the other one that will also hopefully feature later in the week!

Written by Fanciz Jernberg and Gustav Efraimsson, Dangerzone is a sort of post-modern take on "I Will Survive" re-coded for a brand new generation. Its message of liberation is a old one but they've managed to make your butt wiggle and wash the man out of the hair at the same time! Which is often tried but often falls flat on its face. I've got a funny feeling Dangerzone might be huge. If not this particular song then definitely something else originating from the house of B-TWEEN.

E.M.M.A-back in the day

So who are they? They hail from Sweden and were previously in one of my most loved girlbands'-E.M.M.A! Like Raen and Clea, E.M.M.A came to their name through using the letters of their first names. They released three poptastic albums and produced ultra catchy gems like Hollywood Boy, SMS and Det bästa av allting är du. I would go so far as to say September were in fact influenced by E.M.M.A but perhaps thats too controversial for a Tuesday evening.

The M and the A splintered off and created B-Tween. However, on B-Tweens new material you can clearly hear the sound of their old girlband filtering through their new beats....so perhaps when I say they've "incorporated" September and BwO its a misplaced statement. They've simply re-energized the sound of E.M.M.A that the uninitiated might understandably misrecognise as the sound of September. That is not the case. The sound of September is rather like the sound of E.M.M.A.

With Dangerzone, B-Tween are just reclaiming what was theirs in the first place and with amazing results. Am I splitting hairs? Oh I think I am! Sorry. Forgive me, I just can't get over how great Dangerzone/B-Tween are! Oh and i am so glad that the girls have agreed to give ya'll a little tidbit from their new album! And its all with permission!

So its with a very huge smile that DontStopthePop can claim to be the first place to feature the girlband thats is B-Tween. Moreover, DSTP has declared itself ourselves as proud fans! The last time I ventured a "this will be huge" it was for With Every Heartbeat and Monrose's Hot Summer. With Robyn's song doing rather well and Hot Summer entering the Billboard Euro charts of no.10, Dangerzone/B-Tween could be on your radio sooner than you think! Remember where you heard it all first!

There isn't a site for B-Tween yet but you can check out their myspace here.
I'd like to thank the girls and Gustav for allowing this song to be shared!

*Coming up later this week-an interview with B-Tween and part two of the interview with Robyn!*


The Latin word penumbra once operated in relation to the singer that is Robyn. The magic sound of Robyn was something that hid the half-shadows of the music realm of quality pop music. Her material was often hard to track down and either required a trip to the land of Sweden or hefty import charges. In 2007, she decided to reveal herself to the audience of the United Kingdom and like a secret that is too good to be kept under the quilts the word is spreading. As such, it’s quite a busy time in Robyn’s world so it’s rather brilliant she managed to sit down and do a little interview with DontStopthePop.

Her single With Every Heartbeat is currently zooming up the charts and doing rather well on British radio. Her “a-listing” on Radio One was a momentous event, as the singer does not have major representation. In-between the EMI, Universal and Sony acts, the epic strings of her new single have managed to weave themselves a beautiful canvas that is slowly wrapping itself around the public of Britain. This is so unique I am not sure whether the UK radio stations have done it in the past. Robyn is no Lily Allen nor is she another Amy Winehouse. There are no quirky Internet instruments of promotion or mega record company supporting Robyn’s pop adventure. It’s simply Robyn and the Robyn L.P. The pop music is the tool, quirk and the promotional agent that has made her a freak of nature on the radio stations. After years of belonging to the institutions of Jive, BMG and RCA, Robyn decided to break out on her fourth L.P and release music on her own Konichiwa Records Label. When asked about her decision to go down her path she beams with pride and declares that “I´m very proud of my record company and everything I have accomplished so far.”

Free as bird-its Robyn's record company!

And she should be! While other singers in her field depend on record companies, Robyn and her tracks are the only things that will secure success. Many might have just given up, settled to write hits for other acts or would be literally cacking themselves. Such isn’t the case for Robyn. Its as if she has eyed-up the entire UK singles market and gone ‘yeah-that’s mine!’. There are no stereotypical record company ploys that create the bubbles in Robyn's pop music but rather its Robyn herself that is propelling the songs into the stratosphere.

Gone are clothing ranges with H&M and make-up. When Britney shaved her hair the singer said her baldness was a reaction to constant misuse of her body. In a very odd coincidence, Robyn-who was often seen as the “Swedish Britney” or a precursor to the American star due to their shared history of Max Martin songs and Jive Records-went bald in the video for Be Mine which just happened to be the first song Robyn released without a major record company. Be Mine is a clearly a love song about an ex but it can also be decoded as a song of liberation and departing the infrastructure of the record company. You almost feel that the Robyn wrote out the lyrics “You never were and never will be mine” the moment she turned her back on the majors and set up her own record company. It’s of no surprise then that she told me Be Mine is her favourite song on the album.

Cute as buttons-Miss Robyn is interviewed by DSTP!

So gone were the politics, sadness and make-up and in was the song-writing and amazing pop songs. The effect is amazing. Robyn is striking. Just before a gig in the legendary Dingwalls, she’ll have a cappuccino whereas her fellow pop sisters would have been sat in front of the mirror busily being spray-painted with the latest line of botox. It’s clear that the fact that she is living in her own pop world has surpassed the requisite need of the eye-liner. She simply doesn’t need such things. When I asked her on this she said “I´m a happy girl. I´m where I want to be in life and I get to do what I want to do in my professional life. That´s real luxury and maybe that shows. I feel like a million dollars though.” It’s evident that Robyn’s choice to do her own thing has resulted in not only good music but a level of contentment that springboards from Robyn’s body and into her audience. At her gigs her fans always end up with huge smiles wrapped around their faces and generally keep on dancing despite Robyn leaving the stage...

Robyn feels a million bucks. And this live picture says it all. We all felt exactly the same!

Its not like she is some newcomer, Robyn was song-writing before she was born and securing hits for other singers like Beverley Knight, Britney Spears and the American girlgroup Play. When I asked her which “Robyn cover” she liked the most Robyn replied with a no comment but the chart positions speak for themselves. Robyn’s song for the Swedish star Darin, ‘Money for Nothing’, was a huge no.1 for the singer while Britain’s Beverley Knights version of ‘Keep This Fire Burning’ is still the biggest airplay hit for the soul singer in her illustrious career. Earlier in the year, the superstar that is Kylie Minogue was rather interested in a Robyn song called Dream On. In fact, perhaps Kylie is a bit of a Robyn fan. Robyn said-“I know she likes the song, but I think I will keep that song for myself”. Can we infer to mean that Robyn said no to Kylie? The jury is out on that matter but it is an amazing song so I can understand why Robyn would want to keep it to herself. Its certainly a shame Dream On never appeared on a Robyn release despite going down a storm during her live shows and making you go all warm inside.

Robyn says no to Kylie!?

Talking of things Australian, I then asked whether she’d be heading off to Australia in the near future. She said with a scent of bubbly excitement; “I´m going to spend most of this year touring and promoting my record in as many places I can. People in Australia have been supporting me for some time now, so going there soon should be great! Looking forward to it, I´ve never been.” So, Australian readers and fans of Robyn watch out as Robyn might just be planning an invasion very soon!

Key places: Official Robyn Myspace, OfficialRobyn Site, Myspace Robyn Group (Pictures)
Purchase: Robyn the album (UK edition), Robyn the Album (The Swedish edition) and the brand new German edition of Robyn.

Part Two II

In this second section of the Robyn interview (see part one here), DontStopthePop spoke to Robyn about b-sides, the next album and old material. DontStopthePop also spoke to Isabel Guzman and Steve Anderson (yes of Kylie's Confide In Me!) about the sublime Swedish singer. We hope you enjoy.....

by Bobby Pop!

Take a bottle of some fizzy drink, shake it and when it opens note the ether that sprinkles over and around the liquid. These bubbles stand out from the rest but not all pop drinks can muster enough of that stuff to stay as sweet for over a lifetime. The singer Robyn has somehow bottled all the best bits of what it takes to be a popstar and has been letting her fans drink it down ever since. She started at the age of 12 singing on the Swedish shows Söndagsöppet and Lilla Sportspegeln that saw her belting out songs like Nummer Ett and hasn’t looked back. Today her new single With Every Heartbeat is properly released and its massive success has taken aback even the best of her fans.

This is odd. This is unusual. This is obtuse. When With Every Heartbeat first appeared on this blog back in 2006, it was clearly a hit single. Despite backing from Popjustice, there was a nagging feeling that the fans of Robyn were dreaming way above their station. Radio One doesn’t a-list acts like Robyn. We know this-just look at Annie. However some months later and many a London concert to her belt, the song With Every Heartbeat has gone beyond the September 2006 expectations of DontStopthePop and other popbloggers and departed from the abject position of pop underground and into the mainstream. On downloads alone With Every Heartbeat is no.5 in the U.K charts.

There is no looking back.

This initial reaction perhaps is part of the reason for it being released for it would seem the response from fans both online and off is part of its success. When I asked the singer about the songs creation, Robyn informed that it was back in 2006 that “Kleerup […was…] making a solo album and we wrote "With every heartbeat" for that album. It turned out to be this beautiful song that every one I played it to reacted to in this very special way and so I felt I wanted to put it on the album.” So, With Every Heartbeat was not on the original release tracklist for Robyn’s L.P and yet it fits so neatly in its present position alongside the songs Robotboy, Who’s That Girl and Be Mine. Accordingly, following these words from Robyn the song and its success is connected to its fans in more ways than simple a Myspace or Itunes pathway as is now becoming common in the rise of the internet. When Robyn first performed the song the crowd at the Notting Hill Arts Club went wild despite never hearing it before. This was a hit with the fans before it was even officially ‘out there’ and thus the song is not just owned by the acts who wrote it but also its audience it was performed to.

Robbie Daw of the American magazine Instinct touched on this strange backdrop to the song when he told me “I remember so well [DontStopthepop’s] touting of "With Every Heartbeat” and remember driving to my eye doctor just before leaving for Christmas vacation, and blasting it in my car.... I'm really floored that it's gotten so much Radio One love... It really is a great track!” Evidently, the song has gone beyond a song written for Kleerup’s hotly anticipated solo album and has even grabbed fans in the U.S. Robyn herself is well aware of this when she concluded that “the song seems to have a very strong effect on people and that feels really cool.”

Her influence on her fans needs no real explanation but her effect and admiration from other musicians is also important. Previous DontStopThePop legend, Isabel Guzman declared, “I think Robyn is a brilliant artist!” However, the admiration didn’t just end with a simple musical appreciation as Isabel added that she was “very impressed by her amazing songwriting, her independence and her intelligence…..she really caught my eye (or ear) with her last album. Her strong pop melodies together with Klas Åhlunds electronic production is a killer!”. The new American artist and vocalist Mandy Daniels mirrored Isabel’s comments in stating that “Robyn is a fantastic role model for artists who want to break away from barriers and do their own thing.”

Robyn does her own thing-obviously!

For Mandy, the Robyn albums were not just “background music of my life” but “were a big influence on me, both vocally and artistically.” If you check out Mandy’s vocal delivery on Mandy’s stunning song There’s No Getting Over You, the listener is taken to the same beautiful airspace where Robyn’s songs Should Have Known, Eclipse and Dream On soar. Returning to the sublime pop princess Isabel, ultimately what makes Robyn such a great pop singer is that “she is for real!” and this appeals to other pop singers coming up as well as music fans like me. Isabel should know this better than anyone else for some might not have known this but the two Swedish popstars and DontStopthePop favourites actually went to the same school when they were kids!

Up and coming singer Isabel Guzman went to the same school as Robyn!

The song itself is clearly a Robyn-Kleerup masterpiece but it also recalls Moroder, Mozart and has elements of Kylie thrown in for good measure. If you listen to the normal version available on the album, Robyn introduces the melancholia between herself and the lost Other not before a beautiful prologue of strings and withdrawn beats. Robyn eventually appears on the epic track with a plea “baby, we can make it” and for some reason she’s wrenched every broken heart and burrowed them into those first couple of notes. The moment she utters “we could keep trying” a throbbing baseline begins perhaps to sooth that broken heart but also to bring the tears to the eyes. She repeats “I don’t look back” with violins and electronic snippets from some lost SpaceRocket as Robyn’s backing vocalists. This however is not the songs’ chorus.

For the title alone “With Every Heartbeat” is the chorus. Indeed, Andreas Kleerup engineers a crescendo rather than a traditional repetition of two inane couplets as the song actually erupts into its chorus. No, this is no traditional pop song. Just as Can’t Get You Out Of My Head altered the construction of a pop song, Kleerup and Robyn produce the title of the song and its chorus at the back-end of the track. If you check the exact time Robyn sings “with every heartbeat” it should be over two minutes into the song. She then repeats the line “and it hurts with every heartbeat” a number times until the rising hurt runs around your veins, brings a smile to your face but a wink to the eye that makes you want to chant the lyrics outside somewhere important like Westminster. Its beautiful construction is not only reflected in its amazing success but realised by the iconic song-writer behind Kylie Minogue’s epic songs Confide In Me and Butterfly and her recent tours the producer Steven Anderson. Anderson of Brothers in Rhythm glory, Rent the Musical and long-time pop producer to Kylie Minogue told Don’t Stop The Pop that With Every Heartbeat was clearly “the record of the year.”

I bought these earlier today!

I asked Robyn how a song like With every Heartbeat came to be. As in its guttural mechanics? Somehow foretelling its internet reception Robyn and Kleerup “email each other beats” when creating songs like With Every Heartbeat. Naturally, this led me to ask about future work with Kleerup to which Robyn said “We are working when ever we can. Emailing beats and stuff back and forth and spending time in the studio, I´m sure some of it will end up on my next album.”

Be Mine as the 4th UK Single?

The next album? What! Already? Yes, it would seem Robyn has already started the process of tinkering with new sounds, motifs and sounds once again. With my eyebrows both raised and very excited I asked for more! Robyn did not disappoint and in what is perhaps an exclusive for DontStopthePop she confirmed that, yes, another L.P was in the works- “I can’t say exactly when, but I’ve started to work on the next album. As soon as possible.”

Four Robyns-woohoo!

So as I tried to pick myself up from the floor she quipped, “That’s the great thing of having your own record company, that you have more say over when and how often you can release records. I would love to create a festival to address the inequalities faced by women in the music industry. A space for girls to experiment. The inequalities within the music industry mirrors the rest of the world. I wanna address that. And, work on my next album” I think all fans of Robyn punched the air in jubilation right about here! Robyn does her thing and no one is ever gone stop her.

Album no.5 is in the works...

With all the talk about the future, in my position as a long term and huge fan of Robyn I decided to ask some questions that Robyn rarely gets asked but are often explored by her fans. In essence, I wanted to go back. When I mean “back” I’m talking about her older material that was never released outside of Sweden. I mentioned those brilliant album tracks like Blow My Mind and O Baby from her Don’t Stop The Music L.P and what was her favorite from those recordings. Without any clear hesitation she said “Well, I decided to rerecord "Should have known" for this record as well, I dig that song.”

So if you love that song from Robyn’s current release try and check out the original version. It’s timid, beautiful and extremely powerful. As such, its belongs to not just one Robyn album but two she loved it that much. She added “I play a lot of my old song at live shows still. A good song is always a good song.”

Robyn's second and perhaps most personal album

While I accepted this, Robyn rarely mentions her older material especially from her second album so I decided to do some elaboration. Now if you’re a fan of Robyn you might get just tad excited if the following actually comes to something. As we were going through older songs I said, and I quote myself here, “Universal Woman is stunning in construction and would be stellar with a 2007 touch to it. Perhaps Universal Woman-the KleerUp mix?”. And her reply? “I never thought about that….” If you don’t know the song go and check it out. Its closeness to With Every Heartbeat is quite surprising considering it was composed by Robyn back in the months of 1999. It has the beats, the strings, the electronic trinkets and the soaring vocals. Perhaps recalling Universal Woman herself and a possibility of a 2007 remix Robyn offered a “maybe” finished with the dessert of “That’s cool you know my old albums”. Insert a “!!!!!!!!” right about here.

I was quite taken aback that she was surprised I knew her older material. I am not the only British person who adores Robyn’s previous albums. Steve Anderson informed me that while he’d grabbed “the new album since it came out in Sweden 2 years ago” he also owned “all her others”. The music producer concluded that they were “still as fresh as it was then.” I’m not being funny or nothing but Robyn-your older stuff is just as good as your latest work! Moreover, I am not the only who thinks this but other very successful musicians think so too.

For example, My Truth is a brilliant set of songs and is her most personal to date. It’s a must for any Robyn fan! A new version Universal Woman? Perhaps not, but you never know.

With questions about her older material out of the way I thought I’d venture into even further fan-stroke-geek territory by demanding b-sides and collaborations. Perhaps it was the bewilderment that this was actually an interview with the Robyn and as such I forgot the question was and starting going on and on about her music. Remember, I am not a professional journalist-I am just a fan of pop so forgive me. As you can see it started off well but like a klutz the question evaporated into itself. Here’s a snippet of the rather embarrassing segment-

“Your fans love your music. We can’t get enough of it. Whether it is with Basement Jaxx or the Fläskkvartetten! What really want are some more b-sides. Perhaps even a double a-side with a previously unreleased song like you did with Good Thang and Play?”

As you can see it was all over place. Flustered doesn’t even come close does it? The interview had come so out of the blue I hadn’t got my questions sorted. However, Robyn saved it with her response. Seeing it wasn’t going anywhere she affirmed that “Ok, that wasn’t a question really” but in a moment that made my heart flutter she concluded that she was however “taking notes” as I rambled away. Trying for some composure I narrowed in and put it out all on the table. “Simply put, fans don’t really like endless remixes. We like bonus tracks and b-sides.” Whether it be a Japanese import of some Kylie album they’ve already got or a rare Dutch E.P of a David Bowie gem, fans adore the sidelines, morsels, tidbits and extra bits. After Robyn’s ‘taking notes’ comment I re-clarified with “You see, we just adore the mixes but b-sides are just more fun”. Perhaps drawing attention to the fact that Robyn loves pop too she agreed, “I like B-sides too!” However there is a but-but a good but!

Despite expressing a requisite for b-sides fans might not see anything like that for the moment as, and get this, b-sides are secondary and not because of being too busy. Oh no. Something far more splendid! For “right now I’m writing for my new album”. This is where I was pretty much doing a dance of sublime joy! Another Robyn album! Its ever so close people! That’s why theres no B-sides. It’s a cool trade off don’t you think? B-side or new album. I think you know which I’d prefer! Fan desires aside, the thought of another album from Robyn is perplexing. Where else in pop music can explore? Fellow pop princess Isabel Guzman poignantly pointed out that part of the fun of listening to Robyn is “there is so much more to come from her” which makes the entire affair rather exhilarating. However Robyn didn’t leave it there with regards to b-sides. She put in a “but I will do my best to keep you listening baby!!!!”.

By this time I was both on cloud 9 and doing that dance of sublime joy previously mentioned. Bringing the interview an end I asked the Robyn of four albums, global chart success and the C.E.O of Konichiwa Records what she’d say to the girl belting out Number Ett on Lilla Sportspegeln back when she was just 12? “I would tell her to just not worry and try to have as much fun as possible.”

Where else in pop worl will Robyn explore???

Robyn-Pop Princess, DontStopthePop Icon and Record Company exec, “the queen of queenbee’s, Lioness of Juda and Phoenix from the ashes…..”-she’s back and what an entrance! Its been over twenty years since Robyn popped on the stage like a shaken fizzy drink and that ether is still bubbling a way. 1995 marked the release of her first single and this week see's Robyn take her well-earned place in the charts of the U.K. With possible releases of future instant smash hits like Be Mine, Crash And Burn Girl, Who’s That Girl, and Handle Me the future seems certified Konichiwa! Robyn is one girl who refuses to stop the pop let alone the music!

What did we learn? DontStopthepop can exclusively reveal here that theres a new album in the works, Andreas Kleerup is involved and she’ll try and get it sorted as soon as possible. Her words not mine! She also loves b-sides, is surprised that we love her older material(!) and Universal Woman might have some life in it yet. We learnt Isabel Guzman went to school with Robyn before Ms.Carlsson left to follow a career in pop, Steve Anderson is a huge fan and Americans love Robyn!

By Bobby@DontStopthePop

Robyn Links: Official webspaceRobyn ClipsRobyn at Myspace & Amazon (UK)
Andreas Kleerup: Myspace
Isabel Guzman: Myspace
Mandy Daniels: Myspace (Also check out the Mandy's remix of a Robyn classic)
Instinct Magazine: Official Webspace
Steve Anderson: Rent The MusicalKylie Offical Webspace


Tis that time once again!

I've been so busy lately but I'll try and keep this place going on through the summer months. Its going to be quite "abuzz" here in the coming days. Not only is there a continuation of "CatchyWeek" but DSTP will feature a very cute interview with the superstar that is Robyn!

I tried not to ask question
s that the girl has been asked before and did my best to make myself sound as geeky as ever but it worked out! She called me "babe" and we talked about Kylie and Robyn's next album! Stay very very very tuned!

This blog will also feature two very catchy acts and tracks that hail from Swedish shores. Both of which are going to be so hot it hurts! We are talking "phenomenal"....

I've been listening to a lost musical that my boyfriend magically transfered to Cd. The show featured my (lesbian) mum and was recorded on a tape that had withered away under the bed. The musical was simply put on by a girls-school in Finchley in North London and rivals some of the West End greats. Its over 25 years old and despite being written by one of Elvis Presley's key song-writers its digital-cyber existence is a bit of a non-starter. Its brilliant to hear sounds that were recorded in studio yet only recorded on five cassettes that don't exist bar mine. Its also quite odd to imagine that no one in the world has heard the songs for over twenty years while at the same time quite wonderful to think that the musical has been saved through the magic of digital archiving. Yes, the sound on the cassette made the digital form quite dodgy but I am so glad the music on the tape remains and will be enjoyed without further degradation. The musical was about schoolgirls defrauding companies on the London Stock Exchange and featured killer lines like "Am I not the main event?/would you vote me president?/can't you see i am really talking out of my bu/bumdididuBUM!". Considering it was a school musical, the quality of the songs and the vocals of the mere school teenagers is/are absolutely stunning...I will feature something soon.

GirlBand News

As expected The German nation secured another no.1 for girlband Monrose! Yes, the Danish hitmaster Remee has secured another smash hit single. The song is pretty much an international hit single with good chart positions in Austria (no.1), Finland, Switzerland and is racing up the European singles chart. Is this gonna be another case of the Euro no.1 not featured in the UK charts? Most probably.

Clea News: A number of pop songs have been recorded and the team are waiting on the delivery of some exciting stuff recorded by the duo before finally relaunching. Aimee is now sporting a killer bob!

Raen have their own TV network! Well, sort of! The Australian girlgroup have set up a Youtube feature that includes behind the scenes escapades of the up and coming girlband. The first episode features running around New York City, waiting in lines and after being disappointed when they don't win the "Broadway lottery" they go and gobble some brilliant Thai cuisine. They sing Gina G's Ooh Ahh...need I say more!

It just gets bad to worse with No Angels! They've picked the absolutely awful song Amaze Me as their follow-up to their flop single Maybe that charted somewhere around nowhere. Amaze Me is a cross between You Raise Me Up and Maybe mark II. When their album contains hit singles it saddens me that they are continuing to release really bad slow-tempo rock ballads. It worked with Goodbye To Yesterday but that charted well because it was the lead single. It would have never done as well as a third or fourth single. Girls, sort it out!

The "New Girls Aloud Single!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!" fever took hold over most of the internet this week. Popjustice loves it while others feel its just left-over bits from other Girls Aloud albums. I am not still not sure about it. I've got a feeling Monrose, NKD, Shine4 and Lucky Twice have upped the standard for girlbands and that addictive Girls Aloud sound of 2001 was great back then but now other groups have eclipsed the fab-5. (see a performance of the new Girls Aloud song on the blog The International House Of Pussy which is linked below).


Mike of Poptrash
writes a very fascinating article on Olivia Newton-John. CheesyPopMusic died. As did PopMusicWorld. XO had some great Annie Lennox news. The amazing pop/rare/mp3 pop blog The International House of Pussy is a must. YouDon'tKnowPop explores the world of the pop b-side! Acerben and his Popunlimited features Vanessa Amorosi. PopPostergirl will most probably feature some very interesting pop music this week. Lets all remember the cheapness of Vanessa's first video for Absolutely Everybody. Poplicious features the wonderfulness that is Kate Ryan!

Although Paul of the Zapping has taken his blog on its summer holidays, the 16 year old Conor has entered the popblogworld with his brilliant site UltimateMusicWorld. His last act was the wonderful new Scouse girlband The Songbirds. I've got their debut album and its rather similar to Dolly Parton's BlueGrass creations. Bands on his blog include DSTP stars Caracola, BeFour, NKD and DSTP friends MissMatch so its probable we have similar tastes in music!-yay! There are also acts you might have never heard before such as the ace South African act Jamali. Conor welcome to planet pop!

*Next week-Robyn interview and more catchy pop music*

PER TE-05 Paola & Chiara

I know I said I would feature either a Spanish or Swedish act today but an Italian girlband came out of nowhere on my random playlist and I thought "what the hell!!!!-this needs to be heard". Paola e Chiara are a girlband from Milan who've recently featured on YouCallThatLife's Italian pop post. Despite being a rather great girlband, P&C never featured on DSTP's girlband epic journey into the genre that was "GIRLGROUP" even though I have most of their cd's. For some reason they got lost amongst the No Angels, No Secrets and R-Angels...Sorry!

Well its better late than never! Paola and Chiara are two sisters and they are Italian. I think i might have said this already! The girls have worked with the Rapino Brothers, stripped off, toured the world and in their video for KamaSutra the girls got their tits out, Paola depicted a scene in which she penetrated her boyfriend with a strap-on dildo while Chiara got all lesbian with some random Italian women. They are just about to comeback after a few years out of the music scene. However just before they went on their sabbatical, in 2005 they issued this new version of Per Te (originally on one of their first cd's). As you will hear, its "ultra-catchy". Why? Because it rips off the baseline from Kylie's 2001 hit single Love At First Sight. Which is ok seeing as Kylie stole all of P/C's choreography, dancers and ideas for her first EMI album/tour Light Years and On a Night Like This....Enjoy! Per Te-05, like all the songs featured this week, is a song made for blasting out of the hire-car radio as you ride through the sun-soaked roads of Spain, Italy and France!


In a very strange somewhat telepathic coincidence, todays selection was also recommended by one our fab readers! I'd originally planned to feature the fierce "girlgroup" Lokita as the initial act in "Catchy-Week" but they got bumped down the list after acts like Edurne upstaged them. Thursday was their day to appear on DontStopthePop and oddly Jose Viruete (one of this site's readers) recommended the band at three pm today! Talk about reading minds! Check out this amazing performance of their song on Youtube. How cute is the bewildering alliance of J-Pop and Spanish pop music!!!! Unique indeed!

Lokita are symbolic of how great, colourful and variable the pop scene of Spain is at the moment. They consist of two girls and a boy who looks amazing in his stilettos and beautiful eye-liner. You just wouldnt see a band of the likes of Lokita on British TV. Mika or Jake Shears is as "eclectic/transgressive" as pop gets in the UK. In Spain, its not the case. Putting aside the brilliant Jonny and his corset the group recall the poptastic days of Dana International, Bananarama and Me&My. In other words-I love LOKITA! They are wonderfully gay, pop and know the power that is often lost in the genre of bubblegum pop.

Lokita DontStopthepop looks forward to your album and is a firm fan of everything you will ever produce! You embody everything that I adore about Spain! Gracias!

*Next up something either Swedish or a pop princess from the Spanish province of Malaga!*


For the second album the Spanish pop princess (who launched her career by performing amazing versions of Kylie's Its In Your Eyes) Edurne decided to team up the same people behind September and the result was the stunning Ilusion L.P from which Ven Por Mi is from. In fact, DSTP had long planned to do something on Edurne but perhaps something deep inside me told me to hold off and wait for the second album before featuring her. Gone are the days when the Operacion Triunfo star hooked up with the very cool La Oreja de Van Gogh and in is the stomping pop songs like Los ángeles también pecan, Ven Por Mi, Hoy voy a estallar and Si me dejas en paz. When I say catchy pop songs of Spain I mean it. Illusion is one of the best pop albums of the year. It was very difficult to actually pick one song....but one must and I went for the electropop ditty Ven Por Mi although I actually started writing this article in mind to use the brilliant album track Algo Cambio instead.

This sounds like Sarah Whatmore and Lucky Twice hooked up with the German/Dutch singer Amber and her hit Sexual (di la di). I love the guitar break in the middle 8. Its so eighties it hurts. I highly recommend all of Edurne's material but check out the second album if your in Spain or shopping on places like ElCorteIngles. You can forget those summer compilation albums for your Summer anthems-her Ilusion l.p has it all. Again, Edurne proves that dance can be amazing. If you really want a comparison imagine Margaret Berger, Robyn and Kylie all rolled into one: you'll get Edurne! In the video for this very song Edurne's car breaks down, she gets bored, meets weird people and turns into a queen in white. She then dances off and steals some jewelry after doing a dance-off that Dannii Minogue would be proud of!

Highly recommended!
(Where you can hear clips from the album)

INVENTARIO-Valeria Gastaldi (from girlband Bandana)

I just wanna say its going to be a very catchy this week on DontStopthepop! Actually, I didn't know what act I should go with today I had that much to pick!! The land of pop is truly spoiled a the moment! (well if you come from Spain, Germany or Sweden!). If your into catchy pop music stay tuned to DSTP because I have some real gems lined up which I hope you'll love! If you haven't noticed, its "catchy week" on DontStopthePop.

Most of the acts featured this week hail from Sweden and Spain but today's come's from the latter's colony of Argentina. Valeria Gastaldi is of course one of the lead singers from the girlband Bandana. If you can't remember who they are just check this out and you will see they were girlband no.134 in DSTP's exploration in girlbands earlier this year. With the band going their separate ways Valeria released a solo album which includes some of the catchiest melodies in existence! It was hard to pick which song to feature here believe me. Ultimately I went for Inventario which starts quite softly and then picks up into a mid-tempo singalong pop song I could imagine the likes of Atomic Kitten doing as their comeback single if it happens (Kerry-hope ya ok!). The chorus of Inventario is rather memorable, simple and will ya have humming away like the backing singer's that I know you truly all are!

I can imagine myself driving through the Spanish countryside (known as "El Campo" in Spanish slang) with my girl Mia, top down and just blue skies and olive trees as our guide! Perfecto!

Ok so its very hard to buy music from Argentina. The best I can suggest is the American arm of Amazon especially its marketplace. It would also seem she has no official website (or myspace) but if you can find anything please contact me! Her wikipedia entry doesnt even include any details of her solo career!


This is one of my favourite songs of the year. In fact I'll push the boat out and say that L'aura's cd Demian is one of the finest debuts by any act this decade. And who is she? Well she's Italian and born one year after me and studied at Berkley where she lived a bit, read some Umberto Eco and was really good at violin. In Italy, she managed to shake its "sweet sprock" foundations to the core with songs like "I'm So Fucked...". Fellow Italian pop singers like that of Laura Pausini and Elisa suddenly appeared out of date. This song comes from her second album Demian which features songs in English, Italian and French. I personally think its one of the finest pop products I've ever discovered.

Sometimes she ends up going all "angrybitch" with a "electrobaseline" (see the song Non E' Una Favola) which would make the likes of Richard X give up altogether and then shes all Queen: The Musical with the song The Doors. Simply put: Demian is a must for anyone who loves mad sounds, thick melodies, pianos, violins, discobaselines and brilliant lyrics.

Take the song "I'm So Fucked Up I Can Barely Walk". It sounds like a catchy pop-along song that would be played in one of Disney's most romantic moments. From there it evolves into a type of melody that makes you want to skip along the Seine in Paris. Is the song about taking too much coke? Is the song about the overuse of dildos? I can't answer any of these. Except, that its one of the best songs of the year. I sort of wish the likes of Natalie Imbruglia, Tori Amos and Kelly Clarkson would drop their overhammed metaphors and release music like L'aura...

This is pop class!

***Coming up this week on DSTP-lots of great pop Spanish/Swedish anthems***
***Next up: Something ultra catchy from Argentina!***

José Galisteo-I Promised Myself-The Video!!!!

It would seem the likes of Magnus Carlsson and Andreas Lundstedt have a much cuter rival in the their midst as...and its a relief to know that he's Spanish and not Swedish. Its the wonderful Jose Galisteo. DontStopthePop featured the yumyum pop star all the way back in May and now the singer has finally launched himself properly. With the backing of Vale Music (the same company that launched LuckyTwice, Merche, Bea Bronchal & Natalia) Mr.Galisteo has finally released his first proper single which just happens to a poptastic cover of the Nick Kamen classic.

The video itself is simple, sweet and very much the sort of campness I've come to adore about Spain. I personally love Jose in January but that might just because I was born in this month. His September also reveals Jose as a excellent Harry Potter! Those socks! Anyway, click this link to see behind the scenes and a rather cute interview where the two boys outrageously flirt with each other and giggle about churros! Just check out the body language between them-they love each other!

His album features a collection of gay poptastic disco greats including Don't Leave Me This Way, Enola Gay, Big In Japan, Please Don't Go, and Relight My Fire. He's even covered PWL's classic song Together Forever and What Is Love by Haddaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THIS ALBUM NOW! Then there's Jose's very special song Running In The Family (originally by Level 42) w which suddenly evolves into a story about being gay and how his family loved him no matter what. In other words if you thought Måns Zelmerlöw, Darren Hayes, Simon Curtis and the aforementioned Swedish singers had it sealed as releasing the most poptastic pop album by a male singer this year Mr.Galisteo and his L.P Remember has just raised the bar and perhaps pipped them at the post!

Yes its covers but you can never beat the classics and/or his wonderful English accent. There's a certain warmth to the music and singing of Jose Galisteo that the polished and sheek pop albums put out by Swedish and Anglo-American male stars completely lacks. Not that I am saying these singers are bad or anything but my heart does a little flutter when Jose flitters his handkerchief to mirror the electric strings in the video for I Promise Myself. I think the video simply reminds us that pop can also be absolutely fun and Jose has done that with stunning effect whether it be him dressed up as a club queen, tennis player or dance partner to the Queen Marie Antoinette at the Palace of Versailles during the 1700's! Just wonderful!

As Kylie once said "should I stay or should I go"..

and the blogs decided they'd rather go! :-(

Its Pop(Blog) News!

These past couple of months has seen a number of poptastic pop blogs and websites going all Smash Hits/DotMusic and closing shop. Sadly the latest ship to leave port is HotStuffFiles. This follows a string of websites giving up as wondrous as CatchyTunesOfSweden, ReallySayingSomething, PopEatsPop and SlippyDiscoDays. Our bookmarks reads like a list of sorely missed pop sites and I am not sure whether I should get rid of the dead blogs as they stand as a great little reminder to the sites that have vanished....

Still, its best to concentrate on the ones still going on! Onwards and upwards as they say in the dildo factory!

PopPosterGirl features a batch of eye-candy thats so tasty I am sure its bad for the teeth. But hey, they always said in certain contexts teeth can be more of a hindrance then a help...

PopTrash features
a girlband, Joanne, Alesha and has news that the spunkmeister Lorenz is back in the studio. I mean what more can you ask for!!!

This place reviews the new albums by girlband Aly&AJ and Swedish icon Magnus Carlsson. Paul also directs people to a brilliant new Simon Curtis track that the up n comin' star has dedicated to the lost star that is Britney Spe
ars. Lovin' it darlink!

There's been a bit of a blog-frenzy with Robyn lately. She seems to be the latest item to claim as their own. Its cute, it really is! Jessica of DirrtyPop is according to her "still the most famous reviewer of that album (and Robyn in general)". Ok! Another popblog features an interview with Robyn. As Jessica points out its very strange as a long-term fan of Robyn like myself to see her the toast of London and the UK. Yet its brilliant at the same time! It doesn't actually matter that places like ElectroQueer are new fans of Robyn. More the merrier! The girl has confirmed another date in London and is releasing in Germany. Yay! Today she's just been a-listed by Radio 1. Double YAY!

Anyway, keeping with the Swedish motif the pop blog You Don't Know Pop features the ultra glam pop stars that are Nouveau Riche are slightly upstaging the new bWo double a-side. Which if you think laterally is always a good thing.

And lastly, is Acerben's glorious blog Pop Unlimited! This combines youtube with songs by acts who are often exiled by pop aficionado's. The recent feature of The Kelly Family is a perfect example of Pop Unlimited's amazing pop terrain.

Now Just Normal Pop News

Live Earth happened as did T In The Park and did the Tribute to Diana. One Kylie Minogue was absent at such proceedings. But don't worry kids! She cares for the environment. See...

Betty Boo is back! Yeah, the crap ain't up to much but its a start. Bring on album no.3 girl! Why don't you just re-record Jet Sex? Sure it would go to no.1!

No Angels have come stuck in Germany. Silly bints gave fans very little incentive to go out and buy their latest single Maybe. Even the song title fails to inspire shoppers! Let me just say as I have just back from Berlin that the CD singles market is huge in Germany. Unlike in the UK, German record companies load the Cd singles with stickers, b-sides and remixes. The Cd of Maybe included just one pitiful b-side. As such its no wonder the song flopped!

Staying in Germany, Monrose are hitting the high positions with their anthemic song Hot Summer. Buy this single if you can. Not only is the lead song amazing..But it comes with thriller mixes and one amazing b-side called Scream. Scream is such a good song it nearly upstages the a-side. Just! Soccx, another German based girlband, are launching themselves in France in September and there's gossip the girls will see some kind of UK promotion by the end of the year...

I don't actually care whether or not Avril copies other people. Its still crap only its copied crap! Madonna has been lifting rifts and ideas from other acts for years and no one gives a boo about it! Look, personally I've heard the originals and they actually sound like nothing Avril's songs. I hate the Canadian be-hatch but I think people are deaf or the lawyers are having a field day (or both!). The latest claim is that Avril has stolen some Peaches song. Which has more merit than President Bush's word. See, I can be political!

Returning to Kylie, news has reached us that a certain act as remixed an unreleased album song and has been granted permission to use some of Kylie's vocals on his version. The song itself was from Fever but Kylie herself never really used it much. The single version will be just him but it will come with bonus remixes which include Kylie's vocals. [Paul:Credit] Perhaps the first release from Kylie won't even be a Kylie product per se...Kylie has also appeared on Britains latest Big Brother. Well sort of...

If you've always wanted 5ive's Scott Robinson's autograph you can get it for a mere tenner if you head off to MusicManiaLive. Other acts appearing include Tony Christie and Lisa Scott-Lee. Sadly Glen Matlock has canceled. Despite the fact I have no fucking idea who the hell he is!

Staying in this saturday night? Well watch the BBC3 tribute to Neighbours! According to the listings the channel is dedicating a whole night to the show that gave us Bouncer, the original Madge and whole batch of great Australian singers. It features David Walliams, Paul Robinson and Craig McLachlan! I can't imagine a pop world without Kylie, Alyce Platt, Natalie Imbruglia, Stefan Dennis, Gayle&Gillian and of course Dan Falzon.

Shayne Ward releases a rather interesting song with a shift in sound. Its both awful and wonderful. Its clear that the record company are interested in Shayne Ward and keeping it going. As with so many reality tv acts, the record company get the direction wrong with the second L.P. Evidence? Gareth Gates and Hear'Say. I am sure they are hoping it goes all Will Young/Girls Aloud but its too early to say which side Mr.Wards' path finds itself on....

Which neatly leads me to Dana International. Her LoveBoy video is so great it deserves a little mention only for the hot boys! It includes a pumping pop song, an old lady doing her hair and lots of yummy bodies! What more does a promo need to be fab?

And with that brings this blog-wrap to an end!


*Perhaps this week!

Ok, I have just returned from Germany but I thought I'd update the blog with little gem tonight. Seeing as I discovered so much pop while in Germany I am still trying to make sense of it all. I bought over 16 Cd's so it will take time to work through it all. Ok so going back Shine 4! This girlband will appear on DSTP again but for now I am turning to a Shine 4 retro classic of theirs from their first album simply titled Begin. After DSTP announced Shine 4 to the rest of blogWorld, the girls have made quite an impact and have even appeared on PopJustice! Behind all the shimmer there is a real talent and you'll hear that in this song available tonight. Its a cover of the Alanis Morrisette hidden track from Jagged Little Pill. But, Shine 4 improve on the original (as they tend to) and morph the acoustic original to a stunning epic pop song. I highly recommend this & the album it came from....This song has everything. Sometimes it sounds like Carola, Enya and Annie Lennox got drunk with Sinaed O'Conner and started ranting about the men that did them wrong. Pure operatic bliss!

Buy Shine 4 here


Hello there, all you POP Maniacs! This is Andrea, Liliana and Rita from Nonstop, the Portuguese Popstars girl group. Welcome to DSTP!! Stay tuned, and don’t forget to: Keep on looking over your shoulder…

"Don’t Stop Non-Stop"

Australia got Bardot; Germany, No Angels; the United States had Eden’s Crush. Popstars girl groups started to rise in many countries, all over the world, after the Spice-Girl-spit-up back in 2000. Well, today’s story starts in 2001, when Portugal began searching for their Popstars. They had to have the looks, the style, attitude, and, of course, the voices…it wasn’t easy but Andrea, Kátia, Fátima, Liliana and Rita had that little something that made them special, bringing them together, to become Nonstop.

The first poptastic album!

If you like pop you can’t miss Nonstop! They have two of the best pop albums I’ve ever heard! Unfortunately the Portuguese don’t know how to treat pop like the English do and these girls have been struggling their way through the music biz. Well but let’s get back to the story…

The second poptastic album

Ao Limite Eu Vou was the girl’s first single and also their biggest hit! It peaked at #1 on the Portuguese charts and radio stations and has one of the best videos made in Portugal for a pop song (curiously, it can’t be found on the web). Soon, after almost 6 months, Fatima left the band. Their second video, for Basta Um Sorriso, was canceled and rumors of the bands ending started to appear. But they were only rumors. In 2004 the girls made their comeback at MTV Shakedown with a brand new single E Tudo Vai Mudar. New album; new songs; new single! Girl Power was back and better then ever, but due to the poor promotion the girls started sinking...was it the end of Nonstop? Not really. The band was kicked of by their record label and the girls started on working on self made material for the group. In the meantime they’d represent Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006…More recently Kátia announced it was time for her to leave the band.

Though, most fans may consider this the start of the end of Nonstop, Boss, Black Rose and Ritinha a.k.a. Andrea, Liliana and Rita are now working on the comeback of the longest living Popstars act ever. Thing won’t be the same but, that’s what’s music all about! Keep your eyes and ears on Nonstop as the beat goes on and on and on…

Nonstop by Ricardo Reis

Credits: DSTP reader Ricardo Reis and of course The NonStop Girls
Important Linkage: The Only Official NonStop Website
Important Linkage: A place to buy Nonstop albums! You know you gotta!
Important Linkage: You Can Speak to the Girls if you want here